Kindle Blogs

Amazon has a new electronic bookreader out - the Kindle - it now includes a select blog feed, I gather

I have never seen a Kindle - I expect something like it will eventually find its way into my possession and be utilised for light reading and archiving for travel - I don't know that the technology is there yet. Issues are: weight, contrast and resolution - you need 300+ dpi, contrast of probably > 100:1 and a large lightweight screen to make it worthwhile.

But, in the meantime, apparently the Kindle has an optional autoblog feed by topic, of select blogs. As I discovered while Kibo'ing.

And, this blog is #3! Er, in the subcategory of Physical Science of category Sciences.
Which is not as impressive as it sounds, since there are only 4 such select items, currently. Looks like the SEED SciBlog overlords scored there.

But, it is still kinda cool in a slightly geeky sort of way.

It is a subscription for pay feed. Hm, hope some of those goodies wind their way back to us serfs on the frontlines, eventually.


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Beware of the Kindle. It apparently only reads books in a proprietary format -- available only through Amazon.

You ScienceBloggers might have to go on strike to get your fair share of the profits from having your writing republished on new media... :)




Soon as a stable revenue stream has been established which covers overhead costs and capitalizes SEEDcorp adequately for future operations, upon which a fair pro rated cut of the net revenues might be considered for the creative content generators!

Beware the EULA; there's some scary shit in there about sending back data on what you read (even which pages) to AMZN HQ.

Hm, depends...
are they sharing the data with some nefarious 3 letter agency, or Google, who do no evil and only want expedite my life's choices in a predictable and profitable fashion?

If you have a kindle, you can send an e-mail with an attached book or document (think Gutemberg project) and get it converted to the kindle format free.

By Bernard Ortiz … (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink