
Big F.U. from the Science and Technology Facilities Council to the astronomical community.

The UK STFC is expected to formally announce its final response to the 7% effective cut in its programs (after inflation and "Full Economic Costs") on Dec 11th.
(Hm, the UK is putting in its version of Full Cost Accounting - I am so sorry...)

The Royal Astronomical Societ and the Institute of Physics are fighting a rearguard action on the cuts, the most immediate being withdrawal from Gemini. Last week the RAS and IoP announced they would have a joint community meeting on the cuts on Dec 13th.

Today a very terse e-mail from the RAS arrived:

"...the RAS and IoP have been unable to secure the participation of a spokesperson from STFC for a town meeting next week. We have therefore, regretfully, decided to cancel the meeting."

No One at the STFC was available to discuss this with their primary user community.
Yeah, right.


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