40 years of pulsars

40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More...

Good meeting so far, good turnout.

There is a conference group liveblog, I'll link to any items of interest I spot.

One of the conference organisers runs the Montreal Poutine website - I am assured it is an experience worth trying, and have been given directions to the "best poutine" place, with instructions to try the poutine with bacon for starters. Apparently a bit of salt and pig fat helps newbies with the dish.

Reception was fun, best spot of the night was someone carrying the cheese plate scooting off just as a starving Nobel laureate (he must have flown United also) lunged for a cheese cube, and missed.
Joe likes his cheese I guess. He got some eventually.

Already hear rumours of one interesting new result to come out, and I gather there is at least one other major result in the pipeline from a European group, but apparently not ot be announced here and now. Later I guess.

I really like pulsar meetings.


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United? From Newark? Anything is possible, I guess.

Enjoy the meeting. And don't forget to post all of the good gossip!

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 13 Aug 2007 #permalink

Well, he might have been coming from DC...
Although strangely, travelocity shows that after Continental, the next choice out of EWR is good old United, and personally I'd pay the $1 premium to fly UAL instead of CONAIR

I'm figuring Air Canada is right out, since the flag carrier act won't be eliminated until '08 and even then I don't know if it is just EU or if Canada is in on the deal.

Hunh! When I lived in Chicago, I never flew United to Newark, only American (and occasionally Continental).

Too bad I only understand one word in eight on the weblog....

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 13 Aug 2007 #permalink

Err, that should have been "conference weblog". Context is always helpful.

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 13 Aug 2007 #permalink