all quiet on the persian front

Y Ranter looks at current disposition and predicates

I think he is right, the US doesn't have the forces or the political positioning.

For the paranoid, there is clearly a ramp-up to prepare for some political forcing of the issue in September, predicated on whatever happens in August...
The US now has no naval or army reserves, near as I can tell, but they could make a mess of things in september if they forced carrier rotation again and overlapped army unit rotation in a double surge.

Then the US is done, it can only react.

Situation would be further complicated by 2008 DoD appropriations. It is likely to contain restrictive language on deployment and operations, which would annoy certain unitary people.
Current DoD appropriations has that weird signing statement in it which leaves room for lawyers to argue while people keep shooting, unlikely to get away with a stunt like that for the next bill.


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