The Golden Dragons

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my student just got deployed Lt Joe finished Officer Command School and is off as a platoon commander in "Task Force Commando", of the 10th Infantry (Light) Division. Got e-mail from him in Kuwait over the weekend, he should be in-country by now. Don't know his posting yet, probably Baghdad or…
...laugh. Or cry. Or both. Or something. I don't know. Just when it seems like the White House has managed to exhaust the possibilities when it comes to showing their complete and utter lack of regard for American troops, they manage to scrape up something new. The latest entry comes from the…
Five years before becoming fully operational, Brookhaven's National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) already is leading to discoveries -- of the historical kind. Pieces of newspaper dug up at the NSLS-II construction site, which include a story about a boxing match scheduled for October 2,…
"I jumped out in waist-deep water. We had 200 feet to go to shore and you couldn't run, you could just kind of push forward. We finally made it to the edge of the water, then we had 200 yards of open beach to cross, through the obstacles. But fortunately most of the Germans were not able to fight,…