iPod iChing - early prognostications

In view of the weather, we ask the iPod: wazzup iPod? Anything exciting coming our way?

Whoosh goes the randomizer.

Traveling lite edition...

  • The Covering: Mars Ultras, You'll Never Make the Station (liv) - Half Man, Half Biscuit
  • The Crossing: Science Friction - XTC
  • The Crown: Bright Lights - Special AKA
  • The Root: Damaged Goods - Gang of Four
  • The Past: Henry Kissinger - Monty Python
  • The Future: Shut Up - Madness
  • The Questioner: Decomposing Composers - Monty Python
  • The House: Wibbleton to Wobbleton
  • The Inside: Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle
  • The Outcome: Come Go With Me - Beach Boys

As always, the Key as explained by Sean

The Future

I tell you I didn't do it
'cause I wasn't there
Don't blame me, it just isn't fair
You listen to their side
Now listen to mine
Can't think of a story
Sure youll find me sometime


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Dude, mid-April Nor'easter with snow? And you're still out of town? You're never going to hear the end of this. Although, in your defense I remember one winter a few years ago in State College when it snowed on every holiday (plus my birthday and my wife's birthday) from Halloween to Easter and I seem to remember you were in town for most of that. But even that year it stopped snowing my mid-April. Sheesh.

Let's hope the future isn't Leonard Cohen's "The Future".

By Dunkleosteus (not verified) on 13 Apr 2007 #permalink

You misunderestmate me!
I not only flew out of Chicago through the second wave of snow there, which worked well, since that made me just late enough to match the inevitable delay in Philly.
Note to self: never fly through Philly...

But, I am scheduled to fly out of SCE sunday morning! To DC! Where I connect to a cross-continental flight sunday afternoon.
Timing is everything.

Er, if I need somewhere to stay at short notice, sunday night, in DC, and through some mischance EVERY hotel around Dulles is full...?