Vomit Comet Cat

Cats in Spaaaceee!!!

Someone took a cat up on a "vomit comet" - one of the planes used for long parabolic dives to provide many seconds of free fall.

Then they let it go...

Then someone YouTube'd it.

It is funny in a cruelly interesting sort of way.
All I can think is that if you gave the cat 20 mins rather than 20 secs they'd probably adapt just fine, unless there is something seriously funky with their inner ears.

Then the guy in the blue jump suit would be sorry. Real sorry...

Shamelessly cribbed from NASAwatch's hilarious "NASA YouTube'd series"

Promoted from comments:

Dogs really are different.
Nice doggy.


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I hope that was a declawed cat.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink

That's just sad. The poor cat has no idea what's going on. Those people are pathetic for even trying that. Why not take a baby next time and laugh at it screaming and flailing about - think how much fun THAT would be...