Is your toothbrush loaded?

So, Santa Cruz is as lovely as ever.
Damn. I'll have to browse a real estate brochure to get a sense of perspective back.

Interesting thing on the plane out of DC...

For some strange reason it is impossible to get a flight out of State College round this time of year, at least for a finite price.
So, I drove to DC, in a rainstorm, at 5 in the morning, and the #$^!(() rental car radio was broken. Bastards.
Airport security was fun. For real. Guy on the metal detectos was doing a good keep the punters amused stand up routine. Didn't help the lady in front of me who hadn't got the "no fluids" message - that's a couple of hundred bucks of make-up but the dust.
I also like the rental car shuttle guy who took on the yuppie with the water bottle.

But... we had a hold at the gate, almost missed my connection, but made it just. Missed my chance at lunch in Denver though, mmmm tasty mini-pretzels!

Hold up turned out to be due to a loaded gun in the luggage. It belonged to the very large, very pleasant guy right behind me.
Now, he's right, you can take your gun with you in checked luggage. But as the real sweet flight attendant explained - it can't be loaded! Who carries a loaded gun in luggage anyway? I know guns safe, but are you going to trust a gun safety on a bumpy flight...?

Anyway, guy was wrong, he wants the gun on the plane, it must be unloaded

and in case you're wondering, my toothbrush was in cecked luggage, in its special secure carrier box, with the tube of Crest toothpaste securely separate from the brush.

Traveling cross-continent without water to drink is hell.


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Ugh... I'm flying out of BWI to San Francisco in one week and I'm dreading the thought of going through security and not having my water bottle with me. Boy, won't that be fun! *sarcasm*

I'll be flying in about a month. Where do they do the fluids check, at the usual security gate, or as you board the plane? Could I take an empty water bottle and fill it after going through the security gate?

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 30 Aug 2006 #permalink

If you're flying out of BWI watch the cops on I-195 on the way in. I work at right there at the airport (at the large warehouse looking building right off of 195) and they're all over the place at all times of the day... there have been helicopters overhead for the last two weeks, too.

No fluids. No empty bottles.
Security at the terminal was very strict, with many bags scanned 2-3 times and/or opened.
The rental car shuttle driver made one guy throw out a water bottle, wouldn't even let him take it to the airport.
And, there is security at the gate - they ask again there and take away any fluids or gooey things they see, though obviously they can't x-ray bags there.
Also heard attendants confiscating bottles on the plane.
Not sure how kids are going to manage on long trips, drinks service is just not frequent enough if the flight is at all crowded.