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Doug Hamilton has a nifty Astronomy Workshop web page, with lots of fun little tools.
I had used some of these for my "Stars for Poets" course, but was reminded of them when looking at Bad Astronomy this morning.
Doug has a Generic central force integrator, an issue which came up recently of…
For those of us quantum computing folk heading to QIP 2009 in Santa Fe, NM, a few recommendations from someone who once called Santa Fe home.
The first thing you must realize is that New Mexican food is not Mexican food, nor is it Tex-Mex (bleh: worst food ever), but is really it's own form.…
Registration for QIP 2009 is now open:
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. January 12-16, 2009.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN at http://qipworkshop.org/
Deadline for special conference hotel rates: December 1st.
Quantum Information Processing is the…
how big is a globular cluster?
There are many ways to measure the size of a globular cluster, both observationally and theoretically.
This causes some confusion, especially when theorists try to talk to observers, or vica versa.
rc - the core radius
there are at least three definitions of this: