iPod iChing - Oh Brave New World!

Every friday, life permitting, we do an "iPod iChing".

It is well known that the randomizer on the iPod is oracular, and in recent times it has been used widely on the Net as a fountain of wisdom.


Most people use the iPod's powers trivially, for "random ten" lists to reflect their psychic angsts, here we do things scientifically! In 2005, Sean Carroll realised the fundamental structure of the iPod mimics that of the Tarot, so we thereofore do this scientifically.

Sean has moved on to greater things, pondering dark energy or some such nonsense, leaving me to keep up the tradition of pondering the Truly Important Issues through the wisdom of the iPod.

As the One True High Priest, I transliterate the sayings of the Wise One.

There is a sect that claims one should use a dozen, not ten listings, since the most profound questions are zodiacal in nature. I encourage heterodoxy and usually list the two auxillary replies.

Anyone can do this, but a true reading requires a well specified question on matters scientific or factual; questions contingent on human actions receive suitable vague answers. Post the question, and press random play...

People prone to being overtly analytical, like to question the Received Wisdom of the Mighty One.

Mumblings about "songs are keyed to human concerns" and "brain tries hard to see patterns where non exist" will be ignored, the iPod is not to be trivialized. Have Faith, or take it elsewhere. We tolerate heterodoxy within limits, true heresy is not tolerated.

So, Mighty One, it is friday, and a New Start. We ask: what next?

Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh.

  • The Covering: Dance Without Sleeping - Melissa Etheridge
  • The Crossing: Mutter-Mutter-Mutter - Magic Flute
  • The Crown: King of Pain - Police
  • The Root: Similar Features - Melissa Etheridge
  • The Past: DC 3000 - Thievery Corporation
  • The Future: The Few - Billy Bragg
  • The Questioner: Tannpínusöngurinn
  • The House: Sugardaddy - Billy Bragg
  • The Inside: Quintet for piano and winds - Mozart
  • The Outcome: I do not want what I haven't got - Sinead O'Connor

#11 is Short'nin' Bread #12 is Longing in their Hearts - Bonnie Raitt

See what I mean?

Bit hard on blogger.com, and I infer scienceblogs is about to fight the good fight, but the iPod likes Seed!

Questioner is worrying that is the "toothache song"...

As always, the Key as explained by Sean


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