Friday Flippancy: Immanuel Kant - Wrong for America!

Speaking of procrastination, from LOLtheorists:

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

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See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
Thanks, Sheril: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
I know this video is for real because since I first saw it several years ago it has been erased from YouTube at the request of the Japanese television company that produced it. Being real does not stop it from also being surreal to the extreme! See more funny videos and funny pictures at…
Just be warned - there's a teensy (tinsy, teensie?) weensy bit of crude language. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

That cracked me up. :D

Yo, Doc --

Just stopped by to reminisce about the old days on the EC forum.

How's that US economy thing working out these days? :-) As I recall, our host there was a real believer in free markets and libertarianism.
