Seasons Greetings from the Chimp Refuge

This past weekend found a denizen of the Chimp Refuge brachiating, feeding and feeding yet again, grooming, being groomed and otherwise socializing in the home of its grizzled old matriarch. The photo below the fold illustrates one way in which godless atheists (and bonobos) celebrate Christmas - or Saturnalia or whatever one wishes to call the holiday surrounding the solstice; Festivus works, too. Yes, they decorate a Christmas tree. Here is erstwhile co-blogger Kevin fondling Betty Boop's butt.


Kevin sends his regards to the Refuge readers. Due to a couple of writing projects that take high priority, he will continue to be on hiatus from the Refuge for a while yet. However, he may be gone but not forgotten. I anticipate that he will likely feed a line or two to me to pass along to you.

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Kevin is certainly missed. He has a way of turning a phrase - especially when it comes to berating the hootworthy creationist and worldnutdaily types - that Hunter S Thompson-like heavy cavalry sword of cut and bludgeon power - that makes the Refuge one of my favorite sci-blogs. Finish what you are writing, publish it, and write more here! Please.

By bybelknap, FCD (not verified) on 17 Dec 2007 #permalink

Warren: "Newtonmas." Excellent idea! We'll recite James Thomson's ode to Sir Isaac before we settle in to our Newtonmas dinner.

And for you, bybelknap, it is oh-so-tempting to toss a lump of coal into your rationalist's stocking, courtesy of me, the silently snarling atheistic matriarch of this joint. If I were an overly sensitive type, I might interpret that comment to imply that neither Jim's nor my writing style meets your expectations. But hey, I'm thick-skinned, so I'll agree that Kevin's way with words is like awesome, man.

I'll also note that as wildly entertaining as it may be to take on the fundagelicals with the kind of aplomb executed by Kevin, it saps one's time and energy.

Please forgive me, Dear Doctor Bushwell. I have been remiss. I read The Refuge nearly daily, well, alternate days... er... OK about twice a week since Kevin went on hiatus, but I still enjoy your work and Jim's. I'll take that lump of coal and cherish it.

Toadyingly yours,

Heathen's Greetings!

By bybelknap, FCD (not verified) on 17 Dec 2007 #permalink

OK about twice a week since Kevin went on hiatus, but I still enjoy your work and Jim's.

I'm hoping to post with more frequency after the New Year. Kevin and I were bemoaning the fact that the more raucous posts (truly, some of his are classics) are wildly popular whereas the scientific offerings, e.g., my nattering about neuropeptide Y or endocannabinoids, result in crickets chirping on the site meter. Ditto for Kevin's wonderful posts about Christa McAuliffe. No one paid much attention to those. Bashing the godders with baroquely scatological language is what sells, I guess.

Toadyingly yours

Ah, yes! Now that's the ticket!

"my nattering about neuropeptide Y or endocannabinoids, result in crickets chirping on the site meter. "

hey, where's all the endocannabinoid stuff at? I can only find one...


Screw the endocannabinoids, gimme the cannabis.

By Suesquatch (not verified) on 20 Dec 2007 #permalink