I have a hodge-podge of old National Lampoons stored away in the basement. Periodically, I scan a few selected items (articles by P.J. O'Rourke and Chris Miller, various cartoons) for digital posterity. All are highly irreverent and culturally insensitive, and yes, I hoot raucously at them. Among my favorite bits of the NatLampPoo are Son-o-God Comics. Here's the cover of the August 1973 edition and its inner leaf.
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I remember an issue that had Angels Wings you could cut out and paste to your back. They suggested that when you and your friends were taking acid, and you thought you could fly, they would be able to help.
Don't know if anyone ever did, but I can't imagine being able to get way with doing that now!
Ha! I remember that stuff...Chris Miller, "Our Man in Porn"...remember the Thanksgiving-meal story?
heh. Anyway...
remember the Thanksgiving-meal story?
YES!!! Grandma and the turkey. Classic. Damned if I can find it in my mixed collection though. I did scan "Tales of Nozzlin High."
Umm, if you're scanning these things, you'd damn well better be prepared to say where you've posted them too. I missed most of the heyday of National Lampoon.
How about scanning the Super Vap-0-Powatype?
Umm, if you're scanning these things, you'd damn well better be prepared to say where you've posted them too. I missed most of the heyday of National Lampoon.
Heh. Oh, I'll post them all right, but in drips and drabs. The vast majority are hanging out in my iBook waiting to be posted here on the Refuge. I'll e-mail the pdf's of the articles - all one needs to do is ask.
The first offering of classic NatLamPoo at the Refuge - a collection of Gahan Wilson cartoons - may be found here in So there's no hell. Children will invent one anyway.
There are some more Son-o-God Comics and then there's the Religion issue. Oooh, I can't wait for Christmas!
How about scanning the Super Vap-0-Powatype?
If it's in my incomplete hodge-podge of NatLamPoos, I'll do it.
Hmm... that cover looks rather like it was done by Neal Adams, he of expanding earth fame.
One of my favorite issues was "Our White Heritage," filled with nifty White sayings such as, "Slide rule, don't fail me now!" and "Slide rule, do your stuff!"
Son o' God comics was great. I remember the last one I ever saw. It was a single illustration (by Adams, 'natch) with the transcript of his stand up routine. Seems he fell on hard times later in his career and had to take jobs in the Catskills. Jokes like: "My mother was a virgin and my father was a dove. For years they called me the Birdman of Nazareth."