God's Identity Revealed

It's amazing what you can find on the Internet. Yes, it seems that God has written an autobiography. Apparently, God's name is Thomas O'Donnell.

Not really much more I can add to that, except that author O'Donnell also goes by the name Jesus and Satan. Is it a tad presumptuous to pen "autobiographies" of this sort?

In any case, that's what I call a trinity.

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I'm not aware of too many things... I know what I know, if ya know what I mean.

By Bill form Dover (not verified) on 03 Aug 2007 #permalink

No, no, no.

God is me.

Oh, did you mean something other than prosaic writing?

[Yes, egregious blogwhoring. But what is a man to do when you don't host open threads?]

Warren -- you could always offer to host a Skeptics' Circle. You'd be great for it. E-mail Orac at the address on this page.

We listen to Jesus the Sun of God who has returned and given us stregnth to purge the earth of evil (which is the same thing as white people).

We practice the new science the Sun of God has revealed to Dr. Yacub 7 Ali teaching us how to use our eumelanin to aggressively absorb and direct ultraviolet light onto the skin of whites to burn them with skin cancers and melanoma.

Whites have called every other man upon the earth ugly, evil and inferior. Yet that which giveth life to everything upon the earth, the Sun, burneth him. That which gives life to everything upon the earth is God. God giveth life to everything on the earth but the white man and the thing which come after him and are as him. That which giveth life to everything upon the earth giveth the superior white man 10 minutes in the Sun before his superior skin starts to burn. The Sun hates the white man. Nature hates the white man. God hates the white man - Prophet & scientist Yacub 7 Ali

Learn How to Give White People Melanomas

Yacub 7 Ali