Birds: Nature's Magnificent Flying Machines by Caroline Arnold

This book review was originally posted by Greg Laden on Greg Laden's Blog.

previously reviewed

Birds: Nature's Magnificent Flying Machines is a book by Caroline Arnold and illustrated by Patricia Wynne for, I'd say, Pre-Elementary School kids and first/second grade. This is a good book to read to a pre-literate kid. Then put it away for later when the first grade academic report on birds is due ... it will be an excellent reference.

This is a well done and highly recommended book.

Birds... is highly specialized. It deals with only one topic: Bird flight. I like that. Who needs just another book on birds. Demonstrating to the little ones that there are questions that can be asked about nature, and interesting explanations, and even some experiments, one can do is a clear step above the pretty picture and the cute story.

The illustrations are excellent. You may have seen Wynne's illustrations previously in the African Savanna book (which, as an older volume is a great bargain at less than 10 bucks). Both author and illustrator of Birds... have been producing excellent kids books for a long time.

At the very least, this book has value because it introduces kids to the fact that birds don't just sit there looking pretty and making noise, and they don't just fly from place. They have more complex behaviors that vary across species and across context.

By the way, the author, Caroline Arnold, is a home-girl from Minneapolis! As you can tell because of the excellence of her work.

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You both will be shocked - shocked - to learn that the discussion that is so elusive to Signout occurs with regularity, professionalism and comfort by nurses with the infants' parents and families. And that it isn't hidden or covered up. But that Signout is oblivious to it because he hasn't engaged nurses in discussion about it. Ignorance is not bliss. I tried to lead him to striking up these conversations on his own. Ah, but subtlety is lost here.

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That kind of behavior couldn't possibly reflect anything in general about the medical profession, because the medical profession has been completely expunged of all paternalistic, patriarchal, and/or arrogant attitudes on the part of physicians and surgeons towards patients and/or other participants in the medical enterprise.

A former colleague of mine, experiencing symptoms associated with burgeoning schizophrenia, went to a therapist who eventually told him to stop.Amerikalı.Ananızı sikiyim orospu çocukları kız bacınızın ta amk. hırrım buke is naçiya Izm baveja.Lele kirvo le le le kirvo diyarbakır antep maras bitlismidir loo

You both will be shocked - shocked - to learn that the discussion that is so elusive to Signout occurs with regularity, professionalism and comfort by nurses with the infants' parents and families. And that it isn't hidden or covered up. But that Signout is oblivious to it because he hasn't engaged nurses in discussion about it. Ignorance is not bliss. I tried to lead him to striking up these conversations on his own. Ah, but subtlety is lost here

That kind of behavior couldn't possibly reflect anything in general about the medical profession, because the medical profession has been completely expunged of all paternalistic, patriarchal, and/or arrogant attitudes on the part of physicians and surgeons towards patients and/or other participants in the medical enterprise.

The Color Purpleâ and âSuperman Returnsâ from 2006, claims Barbara confided in him sheâd had steamy affairs with three of her co-stars while making their movies, Redford was one, and Ryan OâNeil and

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That kind of behavior couldn't possibly reflect anything in general about the medical profession, because the medical profession has been completely expunged of all paternalistic, patriarchal, and/or arrogant attitudes on the part of physicians and surgeons towards patients and/or other participants in the medical enterprise.

That kind of behavior couldn't possibly reflect anything in general about the medical profession, because the medical profession has been completely expunged of all paternalistic, patriarchal, and/or arrogant attitudes on the part of physicians and surgeons towards patients and/or other participants in the medical enterprise

That kind of behavior couldn't possibly reflect anything in general about the medical profession, because the medical profession has been completely expunged of all paternalistic, patriarchal, and/or arrogant attitudes on the part of physicians and surgeons towards patients and/or other participants in the medical enterprise.

"supratall" is a spambot reusing chunks from the thread, presumably to get its linked URL a Google boost.

Don't click the link behind the name without shields up.

It's hitting Scienceblogs quite hard the last few days.
If the corporate masters have a filter, they should apply it.

You both will be shocked - shocked - to learn that the discussion that is so elusive to Signout occurs with regularity, professionalism and comfort by nurses with the infants' parents and families. And that it isn't hidden or covered up. But that Signout is oblivious to it because he hasn't engaged nurses in discussion about it. Ignorance is not bliss. I tried to lead him to striking up these conversations on his own. Ah, but subtlety is lost here

You both will be shocked - shocked - to learn that the discussion that is so elusive to Signout occurs with regularity, professionalism and comfort by nurses with the infants' parents and families. And that it isn't hidden or covered up. But that Signout is oblivious to it because he hasn't engaged nurses in discussion about it. Ignorance is not bliss. I tried to lead him to striking up these conversations on his own. Ah, but subtlety is lost here

That kind of behavior couldn't possibly reflect anything in general about the medical profession, because the medical profession has been completely expunged of all paternalistic, patriarchal, and/or arrogant attitudes on the part of physicians and surgeons towards patients and/or other participants in the medical enterprise.