Want to see how Facebook's deafult settings have crept over time from mainly private to overwhelmingly public? Matt McKeon's got you covered with a very nice year-by-year data visualization. By 2010, the only things that aren't public are birthday and contract information. Was this what Zuckerberg had in mind years ago, when he said users were dumb ******s for sharing so much personal data with him? Hmmmm. . .
*yes, it's a pun. I do indeed sink so low, occasionally.
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I've got a Facebook account to stay connected with a few people - but I've also got ZERO personal information entered (not even gender) and every privacy setting cranked down to 'only friends' (and I only have a few dozen _actual_ friends, not hundreds or thousands of 'Facebook friends') and the more egregious 'features' disabled altogether (at least as much as is actually possible).
So, do you think these guys have a chance, then?
Facebook sucks, but . . .
That is one of the worst graphics I have seen in a long time:
- poor layout
- area distortion
- doesn't show trending well
- what are the metrics used?
Major chartjunk. Somebody buy this guy a copy of Tufte.
It's easy to scoff "chartjunk," but I think imperfect dataviz is better than none on this occasion, if it helps to show people who don't know a lot about privacy settings what's going on. If you know of a better graphic, or have made one, I'd love the link. But this is actually the best, most intuitive one I've seen for the average user.
chris y, the Diaspora guys have timely tapped into a lot of Fbook anger, and their concept of decentralizing the data is reminiscent of the way filesharing evolved, but I don't know enough about it to get why, from a privacy perspective, it's any better than Facebook. I await more information.
Fuck facebook. I would sooner drive a nail through my dick than diddle around with that shit.
Well I don't know about THAT, but yeah, I've stopped updating my profile. It's just not what it once was.