Artomatic 2009: Fabian Rios Rubino

Nápoles #2
Fabian H Rios Rubino

It's the last two weeks for DC's Artomatic, which runs through July 5. If you haven't had a chance to go, in addition to losing your chance to Draw A Robot, you're missing a lot of wonderful artwork. For the next week, I'm going to highlight some of the Artomatic artists that especially impressed me, starting with Fabian Rios Rubino. Napoles #2, his only contribution to this year's show, is kind of like what you'd get if Gustav Klimt painted a circuit board: this painting simply glows. View a high-res image here.

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LOL, that's an awesome compliment. I think we should start using it to refer to people who excel in imaging with fluorescent proteins.