Nooooooo! Worst Ad Ever!

I hate Battlefield Earth not because it's a bad movie - bad movies can be fun! - but because it's so unrelentingly bad, by the end I was just plain depressed that it existed. The same goes for this truly ghastly ad for Microsoft Songsmith. At first I thought it had to be a spoof. But. . . I'm afraid not (there's a demo here).

If they wanted a musical, they needed to call Joss Whedon. (And make a better product).

Via Stephen Fry's twitterfeed. (Yes, that Stephen Fry).

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Holy crap on a stick.

I was very intrigued though, when young Lisa told us that the programme "selects the music to match your voice". I'm self-aware enough to know what my singing voice sounds like, and I suspect that music "selected to match" would be rather like the sound of a pregnant elephant giving birth onto a harpsichord.


The product, the promo, the singing, the "music," oh, so unbelievably bad, so very much not okay. I am so embarrassed for even watching it to the end.

There is no God.

Sorry, I disagree entirely. Of course, it's really bad from the point of view of today's mainstream advertising and video design taste. But it stands out among the thousands of ad videos that are overflowing the net. It's teasing us with the stupid conversation, the 1980s atmosphere, a long-forgotten electromechanical rhythm production technology, etc. It gets stuck in your memory. I think it's a strike of genius! I'll go and buy the software immediately.

I thought Pierce Brosnan's singing in "Mama Mia" was the worst, but this sets new records for vocal dissonance.

This is so funny! It made my day.