Scibling Matt Nisbet will be giving a talk, "Communicating Science in a Changing World," this Thursday December 4 at NYAS. He spoke a couple of weeks ago at AAAS here in DC (thanks, Matt!). His talk generated excellent questions and discussion, and that was before last week's controversy about denialism! So go check it out.
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"His talk generated excellent questions and discussion"
His blog would as well if he hadn't adopted the 'Uncommon Descent' style of dealing with open debate.
I think he actually poses useful questions but he doesn't do himself any favors on Scienceblogs by ignoring reasonable counterpoints and refusing to allow debates on his blog.
Just signed up for this talk. thanks for the heads up :)
Just a quick correction for those interested, Matt will be speaking at NYAS (7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St. at Barclay St., 40th fl.) and NOT at NYPL.