Another AAAS meeting! Hooray.


Tomorrow and Friday I'll be attending the 33rd Annual AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy in Washington, DC. According to AAAS, the Forum

is the conference for people interested in public policy issues facing the science, engineering, and higher education communities.

Gotta love those bold italics. Personally, I want to know what's going to happen to the penny that disembodied hand is dropping into the mysterious flask. Is the yellow liquid an acid? A base? A bodily fluid? Why do multicolored liquids in glassware scream "SCIENCE IS COOL!" like nothing else?

One of the highlights should be Scibling Sheril Kirshenbaum's session on Science and the New Media. She's been recruiting audience suggestions over at the Intersection, so chime in if you have ideas. I probably won't be blogging from the conference as I did with AAAS' annual meeting, but I will try to post a few things over the next few days.

In the meantime, if you like science policy, you might want to read this morning's buzz - Michael Gerson at WaPo referencing Yuval Levin at the New Atlantis. Have fun with that. (I recommend coffee first.)

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Those look like pH buffer/calibration solutions.

They clearly need some dry ice to make it more sciencey. And maybe lasers, or sharks with frickin laser beams.

Anyway, have fun at the conference!