No, Obama really did not say that...

One of my occasional readers just forwarded me the following email. A quick google search reveals that the same story has been making the rounds of the wingnuttier segments of the intertubes over

few months. (By the way, nutbars, the word you're looking for is "gaff", not "gaft".




Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans to carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty.

The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal.

"Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.."

"I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country," Obama continued. "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."

Please pass this on to everyone including every vet and their families whom you know. How in the world did a person with this mindset become our leader? And I even voted for him - like a jerk!!!

REMEMBER THIS STATEMENT... "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?"

If this ASS thinks he will ever get another vote from an Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard service member or veteran of a military service, he ought to think it over. If you or a family member is or has served their country please pass this to them. Please pass this to everyone.

I'm guessing that other than the 20-25 percent hardcore liberals in the US will agree that this is just another example why this is the worst president in American history. Remind everyone over and over how this man thinks, while he bows to the Saudi Arabian king.

I didn't write this, but I'll put my name on it so everyone knows my thoughts about Obama!

[Name deleted to protect the empty-headed schmuck credulous -md]

Where do we even start with this one?

We could try starting with the common sense approach, I guess. No matter how in the tank for Obama you think the press was during the campaign, no matter how in the tank you think they are now, do you seriously think that the President of the United States could use the phrase "I wasn't asking for blood, just money" without it appearing on every evening news program in the country? Do you seriously think that all of them - even FOX -would mysteriously decide to give him a pass on calling the military whiners?

Engage brains, people. If you're just hearing about something like this for the first time in an email, do you really think it's likely to be true? Even if you want it to be?

As it turns out, it takes very little time or effort to research this one. A fast google brings up the FactCheck entry for this particular myth, which has been available since May 12. The quotes in the email that are attributed to Obama are, as FactCheck notes, total fabrications. A little more googling turned up the source - they were written as clearly labeled satire back in March.

As FactCheck also notes, the underlying proposal that the President was allegedly defending was also being misrepresented. Nobody had suggested forcing veterans to pay for the treatment of combat-related medical conditions in any way, including by forcing them to buy private insurance. The proposal would instead have billed any private insurance that the veteran already had for all care provided at VA facilities, including treatment of service-connected conditions. There was a great deal of opposition to the proposal from veterans groups, and it was quickly scrapped.

The proposal was a bad idea, but it's hardly the egregious offense depicted in the email. Of course, it's probably easier to scream about the horror of billing vets for the treatment of injuries sustained in defense of the nation than it is to argue that the government, and not pre-existing private insurance, should pay for medical care in certain situations.

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Cant find that exact quote, but did find some news stories related to this subject. Search Obama soldiers insurance and many links related to this subject will appear. Here are a few...……

This one makes it sound like it was a "trial balloon":…

You should consider using blockquotes at appropriate places in this post.

I thought I had. But it's fixed now. Thanks.

I've talked to several folks (including, sadly, some of my in-laws) who forward and believe stuff like this. The thing I've noticed is that they rarely read the email through to the end when they receive it: they already have an intense dislike of Obama, and as soon as they've read enough to see that the message supports their existing suspicions, they send it on. It's as though the seed of distrust has been planted, and fertilizer like these emails are applied as needed to make the distrust grow into hatred.

Thanks for the heads up! I'm sure I'll see this in my inbox soon... *sigh*

Probably 'gaffe'. I always thought of a 'gaff' as a type of boat hook, but I find it is also a name for cross-dressing aid.

Engage brains, people. If you're just hearing about something like this for the first time in an email, do you really think it's likely to be true? Even if you want it to be?

Dude, the idea that there exists an "objective reality" about which there exist propositions called "facts" that must be either "true" or "false" simply does not compute for these people.

"" is owned by George Soros and ACORN, and bankrolled by George Soros and Jane Fonda. Their credibility is on par with other leftist party organs like the UNCF, the Harvard Law School, and Amnesty International.

The really sad thing is that I honestly can't tell if that last comment was intended to be taken seriously. Satire has become impossible.

really???? your quote on "no matter how in the tank you think they are now, do you seriously think that the President of the United States could use the phrase "I wasn't asking for blood, just money" without it appearing on every evening news program in the country? Come on, they have been hiding so much of what he does (or doesn't do). How do you think he got elected?? Here's to close to 4 more yrs of the worst pain and misery this country has ever had or will ever see.

By Trey Barr (not verified) on 05 Aug 2009 #permalink

You haven't gotten that it's simply irrelevant to these people whether it's true or not? Many of them know it's made up, they don't care - they're against him and they'll tear him down any way they can - and that's been true for any elected official during the history of our country. Both sides engage in the same behavior - much of the same kind of stuff went zooming around the 'net during the Bush years about him. There's always (well, usually) a kernel of truth to it, enough to point to and say, "see, here's my evidence", but none of these people, on either side of the coin, have any interest in "the truth".

@Mike Dunford: I was hoping that including "Harvard Law School" (zomg, Obama's alma mater!) in there would clearly tip my hand, but you're right, these days the satirists (clever wits) and trolls (me) can't invent anything so loony that the sincerely paranoid loons wouldn't say it, and mean it. But then again, that's what the Kenyan/Muslim/Reptilian conspiracy would WANT you to believe.

It's sad that the political debate in America has been utterly driven by what the internet now calls "wharrgarbl" ever since... well, Ronald Reagan, actually. We're seeing a whole lot of it here in Canada too lately, and it's pissing many of us off, since it really distracts from seriously important, but less entertaining, issues of the day.

You're wearing your cap wrong. The shiny side is supposed to be on the outside.

Actually, including Harvard Law did have an effect - it was what made me think there was a chance it was satire.

Here's to close to 4 more yrs of the worst pain and misery this country has ever had or will ever see.

You mean George W. Bush got voted back in office for a third term? Unbelievable!

You know I do dislike the guy's policies on just about everything but I do engage my brain and couldn't buy this one. So here I am checking on it.

Lets think about this for a minute. Go to the fact check website and do your own analysis. It's obvious it's a left wing site. It does not matter what side your own, don't call yourself "fact" when "opinion" is added. Let be smart americans and get back to the basic principals of the Bible they way it used to be in America. Get a grip. Obama has issues and needs prayer.

Pretty harsh judgement on your part. I believe Obama is doing a very poor job as President and I am not looking forward to the rest of his term. That aside... The email I got didn't pass the smell test so here I am looking for the truth. I'm still not sure I found it but I did find the usual small minded hate anyone who doesn't think like me. That's a fact.

OK, Alan, an excellent point, but I've got one question:

Which version of the Bible do you mean? The first King James, in which the translators said they would be issuing a second edition to correct ALL THE ERRORS? Or the second King James. Or ...

Oh, wait, you were being sarcastic....

By mediajackal (not verified) on 18 Aug 2009 #permalink

It would not surprise me in the least if Obama thought this way. The way he has acted since becoming president and being on track to be the worst president ever. Jimmy Carter can finally step down from that stage!

In trying to push this ridiculous heath plan on the American people ( the American people are speaking up and want no part of this)wouldnt you think he would take it to another level and try and make the military members feel guilty for not paying for everyone else too.

2012 can't come soo enough if Obama makes it that far, at the rate he's going....

who are the assholes that even thought up the proposal, The president should have raised hell for a member of congress to even consider the idea...a GOOD president would have,I should say

By Chris Meyer (not verified) on 20 Sep 2009 #permalink

You know "fact check' is Annenberg and that Obama was appointed to serve on the board of an organization started by Annenberg (and yes Bill Ayers helped appoint him) where he doled out money to some pretty leftist organizations? What is that, two degrees of separation? Annenberg has a long standing interest in BO's career. I do think the quote was someone else's satire (satire that pretty much fits BO's personal view of things) but why would you trust anything from a phony baloney group like fact check?

1. Since when is "googling" something the be-all, end-all arbiter of truth
2. may belong to Soros or Doris Day - what matters is source material. Whatever happened to source material????????????

By capergal1 (not verified) on 20 Dec 2009 #permalink

You dare not question this president, as far as the leftist liberals are concerned. If we do ask questions, we are labled by the Democrats and their echo chamber, the mainstream media. If we question his citizenship, we are called "birthers". (WHY doesn't he just show us his birth certificate. If we say his policies are too close to being Socialism, or Communism, we're called "McCarthyites" If we protest, as in the Tea Parties, we're called "right wing hate mongers", "tea baggers" (now, that's really intelligent), and Nancy Pelosi thinks we are fascits because she has seen swatiskas (WHAT??????????), and fears the protesters may turn violent, like she witnessed in San Francisco. (Never mind that that violence was a product of uber-left liberals.) Obama is totally unqualified to be the president of this great country. He is a radical left-leaning sympathizer, and we don't need his kind in any part of the government---federal, or local.

By Pat Baker (not verified) on 22 Dec 2009 #permalink

@Pat Baker: Regardless of your thoughts on the current administration, that doesn't justify the use of blatant lies to try and tear it down. The bottom line of this is that the e-mail that was being sent around is totally and completely false. Tear him down for his stance on the economy. Tear him down on his stance on health care. Tear him down on many other REAL things that you don't agree with. Just don't make crap up. That's called propagandizing. If any of this e-mail were true, it would have been ALL over the Right-Leaning Fox News in a HEARTBEAT.

Please use your head. There are many things this administration has done that I don't agree with, but quite frankly, it was a better choice than potential President Palin.

By Ron Jakubisyn (not verified) on 29 Dec 2009 #permalink

NO Obama did not really say it HOWEVER
*** he did try to push the proposal that would "save $540 million annually" *** which would force veterans to buy their own insurance and subsequently would put them in a much more difficult financial position: they would have a hard time getting the help they need. It was largely opposed and eventually abandoned by Obama administration.

DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE TOLD - WITHOUT CHECKING FACTS - that applies to both republicans, liberals AND OBAMA himself!

do you think the government is trieing to give a false statement about the story of not being true..think the government would do that? they don't cover up these kinda stories. do they? our government will never ever lie or hide the truth from us would they? praise be to our government they are the best when it comes to speaking the truth aren't they..believe what i wrote and i will sell you oil wells and bridges in a special place called lala land .

Yup Andy, we have state-owned media here in this country. None of these organizations whose primary medium is television or the internet would possibly blow the whistle on such a thing given that it were actually true. We are truly humbled by your quick wit, intimate knowledge of the situation, and distrust of the government. You are so edgy and cool.




what a total waste of time reading the previous entries was. sorry if you read this too

Who cares if it's accurate? After eight years of "Bush is a Nazi" propagandist bullshit, it's time to return the favor. The left-leaning "thrill up my leg for Obama" media. The back room deals. The payoffs. The bribes. Can you imagine if Bush had done ANY of this?! Everything Bush did was VOTED ON, leaving Dems nothing to complain about, so they backtracked with "Bush Lied!" to cover their own shame. Lame. Transparent. And now, it's our turn.

Attention conservatives: According to dems, "the ends justify the means." Lie your asses off. Vote as many times as you can. Bribe, cheat and steal to get your country back out of the socialist gutter. Our country is being taken over by Progressives who care nothing of fairness. They believe they're smarter and superior to you and therefore have a moral obligation and right to create their socialist, "utopian" society, with themselves in control of the big government and you - the stupid cows - stripped of your pesky personal freedoms. They will create "rights" and ration them, and take them away from those they don't like - namely, innovative and successful people who daned to compete and win. Shame on you! There is no room for success in the New America, comrade! Shut up and take a number.

Enough Mr. Nice Guy. Game on!

Folks, I hate to tell you this, I heard AND SAW President Obama speak these words!
"Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.."

"I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country," Obama continued. "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."

It's no wonder they refer to us as "sheep" in Washington!

Hey, who's paying you to post these lies Mikey? You are a liar or an ignoramus or both!

I repeat, President Obama DID in fact make the statements posted above!

By Mr. not-so-nice guy (not verified) on 22 Jun 2010 #permalink

Mr.not-so-nice-intelligent-guy @31:

I heard AND SAW President Obama speak these words!

Specify time, day, location & date. Until you can corroborate your story, those of us without mental illness will note this from the original post:

The quotes in the email that are attributed to Obama are, as FactCheck notes, total fabrications. A little more googling turned up the source - they were written as clearly labeled satire back in March.