John Boehner and Retroactive Truth

Like many people, I was amused by the "budget" that the Republicans in Congress unveiled today. If you count both the front and back covers, it's 19 pages long - but even that's a generous estimate. Three of the pages are cover pages for sections of the document. Random figures with little to no relationship to anything in the text are used to fluff out the space, margins are suspiciously large in places, font size varies - basically, think of anything you've done to a term paper at 3 am the morning it was due when you were five pages short and out of ideas.

But there are plenty of other folks - on both sides of the political spectrum - laughing at the GOP's "budget". Fortunately, there were actually other disasters at the same press conference. One thing that Minority Leader John Boehner said seems to demonstrate that he might be just a bit temporally challenged when it comes to certain concepts - like "truth":

"Two nights ago, the president said we haven't seen a budget yet of the Republicans," said House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio). "Well, it's not true, because here it is Mr. President." He waved a thin document called "The Republican Road to Recovery" that describes the GOP proposal.

Someone really needs to sit Boehner down and explain how the whole "truth" thing works. He apparently doesn't seem to understand that you can't make something that was said on Tuesday untrue by pulling an all-nighter on Wednesday. You can hand in the homework on Thursday, but that doesn't mean it actually existed on Tuesday.


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If that document were a campaign leaflet I'd praise the Republicans for doing a good job making an intellectual and moderately informative leaflet that didn't focus too much on emotion. However, this isn't being billed as a campaign leaflet. This is supposed to be a budget for the United States of America. In that regard it fails to resemble what I'd expect of a budget for a small city.

It would fall short of a budget proposal for a curbside lemonade stand.

(after looking over the document) The GOP is calling THAT a budget? That's not a budget, that's an advertisement, an introduction to a proper budget, a proposal for a proposal of a budget at best.

Budgets generally have numbers, for one..

WTF! The link is Since when is a political party a dot gov? Is there a or a I thought .gov was reserved for government agencies.

@bobh (#4): The website isn't the party's site. It's the website the Republicans in Congress are using to present their "alternatives" to the majority's proposals.

Someone really needs to sit Boehner down and explain how the whole "truth" thing works.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work on political party hacks. They need some extensive de-programming and recovery work, and that's after a good long Kool-Aid detox treatment.

How do these nearly brain-dead idiots get elected in the first place?