Photo Quiz - Weather

This one probably isn't the hardest quiz I've come up with, but give it a shot anyway. Here's the question: how is the specific airplane in this picture connected to atmospheric science research?


Let's try something new this week: email your answer to me at instead of posting it in the comments. I'll announce the names of everyone to get the right answer on Monday.

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Isn't this an old Constellation refitted for hurricane tracking?

Hurricane Hunter

By Ferrous Patella (not verified) on 04 Apr 2008 #permalink

It's a WC-130J Hercules. Definitely a Hurricane Hunter.

Brent, What gives you a clue that it's a "J"? I suspect you're right as I see the 53rd now flies the new version. It's been a while since I rode in one (1983) and all the dirty thirties at that time were H's. I wasn't in the the 53rd, I was cross-training at the time. I just happened to run into a friend and he got me on to a flight.

Chiefley, if you flew in a Connie, you're even older than me!

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 04 Apr 2008 #permalink

Also, J models are the only herk variant with 6-bladed props (at least in the US...) As does the one in the picture. There are a couple other very tiny clues visible in the picture.

Another quiz question.. how many C-130 prop variants are out there?

I was wondering about the props.
I remember the C-130A had the 3 blade prop. Although I worked on C-130E's and H's (4 prop) at Incirlik and McChord, I was the specialist for C-141's and C-5's because of my first assignment at Charleston.

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 05 Apr 2008 #permalink

The D-model also sported 3 bladed props