...odds are good that someone's breaking curfew. In which case, the pistol - though tempting - should probably take a back seat to grounding.
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Doesn't the Bible say, "Spare the pistol and spoil the child"?
You are correct, with a teenager in the house the odds are overwhelmingly that the sneak is not an intruder.
My guess is the cop wanted to terrify his daughter, seizing on the incident as a chance to teach her a lesson. Being a cop, he's well aware of the basic cover story.
And I bet she is now seriously terrified of him.
So he won.
Any questions?
I had to laugh. The top ad link at the bottom of the page asked "Suffering from knee pain?"
Sounds like a two-fer to me!
She's gonna feel the immediate pain from the shattered knee, but will also be effectively grounded in her wheel chair for the next 2 months. How efficient can you get?