Fox Noise.

In a major victory for Democratic netroots activists, the Nevada Democratic Party has reportedly pulled out of the August Democratic Presidential debate that they were co-sponsoring with the Fox "News" Channel. The move comes after extensive pressure from a wide range of activist groups, after John Edwards announced that he would boycott, and after Bill Richardson announced that he had changed his mind and was no longer planning to participate.

The final straw in this debacle probably came with yesterday's speech by Fox News chairman Roger Ailes. Ailes spoke while accepting a "First Amendment Leadership Award" from the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation (no, I have no idea what they were smoking), and his speech really needs to be read in full to be fully appreciated.

Ailes begins with a promise of sorts:

Thanks to Barbara for putting this event together and running this organization. Ever since they announced I was getting a freedom of speech award she's been holding her breath. You can exhale now, it's ok, I promise to behave. I know that's a disappointment to some of you.

He then goes on to tell a series of jokes. The targets of these jokes included Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the nation of France:

A man in France was arrested today for using his car to run down a pedestrian. He said he thought it was Osama bin Laden. Ok, it was a mistake, but it still ranks as France's biggest military victory ever.

It is true that just in the last two weeks Hillary Clinton has had over 200 phone calls telling her in order to win the presidency she must stay on the road for the next two years. It is not true they were all from Bill.

And it is true that Barack Obama is on the move. I don't know if it's true that President Bush called Musharraf and said, 'Why can't we catch this guy?'

After telling a series of jokes that poked fun at the two Democratic front-runners - and no other Presidential candidates - Ailes went on to say this about the controversy over Fox's sponsorship of a Democratic Debate:

I feel compelled, however -- on a serious note -- to say a few words. We're headed into covering a tough political season and all of us will be called upon to do our best and be fair.

OK. First he pokes fun at two Democratic candidates, comparing one to a terrorist in the process, then he says that all of us are called upon "to do our best and be fair," this election season. That's funnier than the jokes were - which isn't saying much, of course.

I do understand the rationale behind doing a debate with Fox. It would have the potential to expose people who rarely watch actual news programming to the Democratic candidates and their positions. But the cost isn't worth it. Fox is not a legitimate news network, and can not be trusted to treat non-Republicans fairly. Having the debate on Fox would have given Fox an opportunity to try and make all the participants look bad - and that's an opportunity that they usually run with. Ailes remarks yesterday certainly make that clear.

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I pictured a sort of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" scenario, where several Fox bloviaters would sit and mock the candidates through the whole debate. Except it wouldn't have been funny.

By Tukla in Iowa (not verified) on 09 Mar 2007 #permalink

"Fox is not a legitimate news network, and can not be trusted to treat non-Republicans fairly."

They can't be trusted to treat Republican candidates fairly, either. I once saw Bill O'Reilly interview Laura Bush. I thought he was going to give her a foot massage. (Look of deep concern) "Does it... bother you, when people are so unfair to your husband?" Went on like that for twenty minutes.

Too bad the Democratic Party pulled out of the Nevada debate. It would have shown that they can get along with those who might be at the opposite end of the political spectrum. But, since you biased liberals who think that allowing for a variance of opinion only applies to a variance among liberals, griped and the Democratic Party listened to you, that just gives me one more reason to fear that if you had your way, you would tape my mouth.

By Paul Jackson (not verified) on 10 Mar 2007 #permalink

Paul Jackson:

Do you really hold that Fox puts out a, as you phrase it, "variance of opinion"?

Fox has nothing to do with opinion. Fox is about big time wrestling. It's about phony, hairdo, bullies struting about with un-Christian hubris. It's about calling people names and spinning facts.

I would love to hear opinion on Fox news. Instead it is the "Hollywood Insider" of current events. These people are a bunch of failed journalists that know how to push the buttons of unsuspecting American consumers.

Bad news, Paul...

America is waking up. America is starting to see who's picking the battles, and who's fighting them. You fighting a battle with Fox news?

I'm turning it off...

I am a Non US resident and is republican on moral issues. I am astonished at the hypocrisy of GOP candidates. Guliani heading the polls is like saying Democrats choosing PRO-LIFE. Nothing wrong with the latter... FOX is the worst set of news. I have watched 5 sets of news, including international network. Poeple, especially southern folks should start to get a little bit more educated rather than singing country songs(which i love) and then learn to see thru the FOXY news that they claim is FAR from FAIR and BALANCED. I hope a guy like OBAMA can be there for republicans, if not let OBAMA win since he is different from both old school DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS.

Does anyone watch Fox anymore? ...We switched to Chris Matthews and Keith O. ( my Fave ) and have never looked back. There is something about hearing news reported without bias that we like... FOX no longer offered that.

Good article but to be frank the one about Obama is actually a Bush joke -- he calls Musharaff to catch Obama... surprising perhaps coming from Fox news...

This makes me smile. Read most republican perspectives and everybody but fox is biased and unfair. Read most democrat perspectives and everybody but fox is balanced and fair. It takes a great effort for those of us without a flag to carry watching the two sides pontificate, not to smile.

RE: Fox Noise.

Thank you for welcoming me.

1-4390 Boulevard Samson
H7W 2G9
Tél.: (450) 687-8406

Born in Haiti and knowledgeable about the world of optics and colors, I
struck right from the start by the numerous shortcomings in the study of
that subject. Long and patient research has allowed me to identify the
prejudices at the base of the distortions of both science and common sense.
That is why I have kept drawing the attention of political, religious and
scientific leaders to those elements which continue to hinder healthy
relations between Black nations and the Western world.

The recent and profound changes that have occurred in Haiti, especially
since President Jean Bertrand Aristide came to power, have led me to believe
that it is possible to correct the misperceptions the West has about the
Black world. It should be noted that those misperceptions have consequences
which affect not only interpersonal relations between Blacks and Whites, but
also the kind of economic exchanges prevailing between the West and the
Black peoples. Any attempt at improvement in that field will certainly be
difficult, but not impossible, as the success of the new political process
in Haiti has proven.

Actually, many people have failed to realize that the fact that Jean
Bertrand Aristide is holding the reins of power seems to symbolize the
difficult dialogue between the ruling White power and the dominated Black
power. Was not Aristide opposed, even rejected, by those holding political
and religious power in the West? In fact, the new President received his
power from the hands of the Black people, whom he is certainly most entitled
and best able to represent. That is why he not only finds himself quite
close to the reality and truth of the Black world but has also been able to
share his views with leaders at both the national and international levels.
In the wider sphere of relations between the Black world and the West, does
this not give us reason to dream of the victory of the Black truth over
White prejudices?

Western prejudices concerning the Black world are deep and manifold. Of
course, they do not date back to the beginning of history, but only to a few
centuries ago, when the West needed to justify only the slavery of the
Blacks. In the political, religious and scientific spheres, did not opinion
leaders do everything they could to make people believe that everything
black is negative, worthless, even lethal?

In the letter I wrote to President Aristide, I made a point of drawing the
attention of the leaders of the Black world to the political impact of such
a contempt of Black people - in a universe of which Haiti is an integral
part. Such a vision is manifested, on the political level, by the arrogant
and domineering attitude of the West toward this small Caribbean island. Do
we not find a similar contempt of Blacks in the attitude of Western

My research has produced an affirmative answer to the above question, as
indicated in my letter to Pope John Paul II, when he visited Haiti for the
first time, in March 1983. In that letter, I clearly show the anti-Black
concepts which have infiltrated Christian practices in the West. Such
anti-Black prejudices have not even spared the Western scientific world, as
I have attempted to showin my letter to the famous astrophysicist, Dr. Carl
Sagan. You will note that data related to optics and the meaning of
different colors is found to be distorted right from the beginning. So it
might be said that Western science itself suffers from anti-Black
prejudices, which are deeply rooted in the Western consciousness.

Now it is up to you, the reader, to become acquainted with these modest
reflections about the profound causes making healthy dialogue between the
West and the Black world difficult, if not impossible. Let us not forget
that Haiti, my native land, is an active component of that Black world. May
this humble essay be the starting point for other more complete, in-depth

Lucien Bonnet


"Something must change here," Pope John Paul II stated while visiting Haiti
in March 1983. Certainly, the Holy Father was referring to the state of
repression in that country, but he was doubtless also alluding to something
vaster and deeper, a change of attitude on the part of the West toward the
Negro world.


The White House announced the fall of both President Jean-Claude Duvalier
and General Raoul Cédras before they even occurred. Does that not reveal
foreknowledge of their downfall? Was it not a brutal way of telling the
Haitian people that, like their ancestors, their future depends on their
Western masters? Through its past and present actions, has not the United
States always shown itself to be the only true master of that island, with
the Duvaliers and other dictators being no more than Uncle Sam's docile

The problem of repressive regimes like those of the Duvaliers, Cédras, etc.,
is actually no more than the consequences of a vaster, much deeper problem
which motivates the conscious and unconscious attitudes of the so-called
Christian world in relation to the Black world.

On this topic, a French scholar, Roger Bastide, wrote: "The great Christian
dichotomy is the one between black and white. White is supposed to express
purity and black, evil. That means the opposition of Christ and Satan,
spiritual and carnal life, good and evil, which finally amounts to that.
opposition between whiteness and blackness which supersedes all the others.
Even for the blind person who knows nothing but night's darkness, words
uttered or heard suffice to create the dance of devils, as they do for the
sighted: "a black soul", "the blackness of an action", "dark deeds", "the
innocent whiteness of the lily", "the candor of a child", "to whitewash a
crime", etc. These are not just nouns and adjectives."

Whiteness refers to light, the ascension into lightness, to untouched,
immaculate snow, to the flight of the Holy Ghost's doves, to clear
transparency, while blackness remains the landscape of Hell, the color of
the devil, the bowels of the earth, infernal lava. This word-idea
association functions automatically, since our thought processes are so
enslaved to our language, whenever a white man is in contact with a black
man. Mario de Andrade justly denounced the evil effects of that Christian
symbolism found at the source of color prejudice. In America, when a Negro
is accepted, people say, "He's black all right, but he has a white soul."
[our translation] They say that in order to separate that man from the rest
of his race.

Duvalier or Cédras or others may be gone, or on the way out, but the new
Haitian regime will no doubt be just as repressive and corrupt, if it obeys
a "master" who despises the black man. Only the true independence of this
Caribbean country, fully assuming its identity, will allow the Haitian
people to free itself from the yoke constituted by the master-slave
relationship. Such an independence will not really be achieved without a
fundamental change in the behavior of those who have the means of
perpetuating their domination on the black world, for in our opinion, that's
where "something must change first."


Today we are very familiar with the mechanisms the so-called Christian West
has used to spread and justify anti-Negro prejudices. Numerous Western
scholars have had the courage to denounce such behavior. Among those
scholars, let us mention again the French anthropologist Roger Bastide, who
explains how Christianity entails a certain "color" symbolism which, at
first sight, appears harmless. Healsoemphasizes that thereis infinitely more
in anti-Black racism than the effect of that symbolism. This is particularly
true of its economic roots.

Thus, he writes:

"When some Christians wanted to justify slavery by explaining that the
"blackness" of the skin was a punishment inflicted by God - the curse on
Cain (the murderer of his brother), the curse on Ham (Noah's son), who
uncovered his father's nakedness - they were using the symbolism of
"blackness", but beyond that symbolism, they were inventing ethological
tales destined to justify in their own eyes a system of production based on
the exploitation of black workers imported from Africa." [our translation]

The fatal consequences of the anti-Black prejudices spread by so-called
Christian civilization have been clearly demonstrated on the socio-political
level: slavery, racial conflict, apartheid, etc. And the harmful, and even
lethal, character of those prejudices is such that even the scientific
realm, which one would have believed to be immune to this contamination,
does not seem to have been spared.

This fact is all the more obvious in the realm of sciences considered to be
exact, such as optics. Indeed, as soon as we start studying that branch of
science, which has to do with light in all its aspects, we are faced with
ambiguities, with vagueness, with doubtful, fanciful and even contradictory
interpretations. The concept of "color" that stems from scientific
experimentation is based on the demonstration in 1665 by the well-known
English scientist Isaac Newton. This experiment consists in running a
visible light ray called "white light" through a prism in a dark room,
breaking down that light into a continuous spectrum encompassing all the
colors. It is not difficult to discover that such an experiment and its
consequences are far from being scientific or conclusive.

It should not be forgotten that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the best-known
German writer and a highly respected scholar, fought a determined battle
against what he called "Newton's error". In his opinion, "That transparent
lightness which shows itself in darkness is the proof of the law according
to which light is nothing else than a mixture of light and darkness,
assuming different degrees." [our translation] The famous American professor
Carl Sagan is in complete agreement with Goethe. According to him, the
darkness of space jealously hides incredible resources which would be
beneficial to science. In state-of-the-art research (in astrophysics, for
instance), he finds a set of anti-Black prejudices that, in his opinion,
represent brakes on the pursuit of new discoveries in the Space Age.

He said:

"After Apollo, scientists were discouraged. Do you know why they were
disheartened? Because the sky above the Moon is black. That made them
depressed. Do you think this is a joke? Not at all. Scientists are more
fragile than they look. But the sky on Mars is rose-colored and that gave
them hope." [our translation]

Today a few scholars, who have noticed "that dark light which falls from the
stars", have suggested a redefinition of the word "light". That is to say,
we must reject Newton's Law of Colors. It is becoming more and more evident
that, on the cosmic scale as well as the terrestrial plane, blackness is an
integral part of color and light.

Thus we see that the anti-Black prejudices deeply anchored in Western
culture seriously hinder the natural advancement of science. They constitute
a practically insurmountable handicap in the relations between the West and
the Black world. The true solution to the Haitian problem has to be a
long-term one. The search for "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", the source of
truth and "light", requires constant efforts.

Lucien Bonnet


To justify and perpetuate its domination over the Black world, the West has
adopted a "master" ideology whose inevitable erroneous effects reach even
the Western scientific world, hindering its search for truth. The following
documents prove this claim.


The well-known NASA scientist and author of popular scientific works,
Professor Carl Sagan, together with his wife Linda, among other people,
wrote the famous Space Message engraved on Pioneer 10 and meant for possible
extraterrestrial civilizations which might be discovered - who knows? -
somewhere in our Galaxy. Professor Sagan is a master of the art of using
humor, and he is fond of allegories. That is why Lucien Bonnet wrote to
himin the form of a parable on April 10, 1978.

Montreal, April 10, 1978

Dear Dr. Sagan:

It sometimes happens that a dreambecomes a reality. That's the case today.
Through Mr. Emil P. Ericksen, Economic Officer of the Consulate General of
the United States of America in Montreal, I amin communication with the
American scientist whose works and research I most admire.

I would like to address a simple message to Professor Carl Sagan and his
wife, who feel, as the year 2000 approaches, that the time is ripe to make
our presence known by sending signals to other possible intelligent beings
in the Universe. The message, which is the result of my patient research, I
formulate as follows:

On the cosmic scale, as on the terrestrial scale, blackness is an integral
part of color and light processes.

My purpose is to inform you of this particular subject and the reasons that
have led me to carry out my research, in the context of the problems of the
very small country, whose history is as tortured as its geography, where I
was born and grew up: Haiti, whose name means "land of mountains". This
country has been faced for years with the difficulties inherent to any
collectivity confronted with a problem of identity. In Canada, where I live
and to which I have become acclimatized, this subject still motivates my
research, propels my efforts and explains the audacity of my words. In the
particular context of a centuries-old conflict, where personal interest and
racial origins confront each other, it is essential that we get to the
bottom of things. At this point, it would be as well to point out that
branch of energy physics, namely optics, where scientific taboos concerning
color, darkness and light are furthered and maintained by trade secrets,
patents and vested interests. A rational search for original, and even
avant-garde, answers on a scientific and intellectual level would seem to be
a necessary prerequisite to establishing a balanced situation.

Not being a "scientist", (car les savants comme l'autruche cachent leur tęte
sous le sable pour faire semblant de ne pas voir et reconnaître cette
vérité), but rather, perhaps the most obscure of all obscure researchers of
all obscure ages, I amasking a special favor from Professor Sagan. I would
like him to agree to examine my modest results and the demonstration there
of, backed up by photos and films. Needless to say, they may be freely used
for any purposes deemed necessary to the success of my undertaking. On one
film, I wanted to assemble in my own way the elements and conditions that I
think are indispensable to the analysis and synthesis of colors. I
amsubmitting four films called "color separations" and the color proofs to
support this finding.

The sentences I quote below are yours. They are taken from an interview that
you gave to a French magazine reporter:

".after Apollo, scientists were discouraged. Do you know why they were
disheartened? Because the sky above the Moon is black. That made them
depressed. Do you think this is a joke? Not at all. Scientists are more
fragile than they look. But the sky above Mars is rose-colored and that gave
them hope."4

4 Delaprée, Catherine " L'homme clef de Viking: Et maintenant il faut tout
(Le Point, August 16, 1976, pp. 48,49) [our translation]

I can see you and Mrs. Sagan smiling, seeming to say, "Roses live the life
span of a rose, the space of one morning."

The solution to the enigma of Space is not a "one-morning" task. Its
darkness of an extraordinary depth, always so secretive and so intriguing,
bordering on despair and insanity, fear and disgust, hatred and damnation, a
consequence of ignorance or indifference, jealously hides incredible
resources that would be of benefit to science, perceived only by such
advanced, and wise, researchers as Professor Sagan.

With all due respect to the biblical Genesis, which from generation to
generation teaches those who wish to hear it their way that "God divided the
light from the darkness" (Gen. 1:4), and with all due respect to Sir Isaac
Newton, who showed us all the colors of the rainbow with his prism, but who
left us in the dark about the greatest unknown of all times, darkness
itself, I insist that darkness - "the black rose of space", arbitrarily
denied as a positive value, always perceived negatively, discreet, hardly
envious of the light which it absorbs, the better to conserve it - has
passed for the absence of light, while in reality it is the extension of

Since the beginning of time, a harmonious and complementary state has
existed between light and darkness, whose equivalent effects are carefully
balanced at the cosmic level, making us think, as sages of all ages have
suggested, like Lavoisier, that in this coherent universe, "nothing is
created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed".

The question we ask ourselves most often is this: "What would our lives be
without light?" All things being equal, and according to the Law of
Conservation of Matter and Energy, we might ask, "What would life be without
darkness?" Whether we say "darkness is an absence of light" or "light is an
absence of darkness", is this not a simple question of semantics?

Reconciling light with darkness is a simple message that any future human or
extraterrestrial space traveler should be able to grasp without too much
difficulty. In the interests of any advanced civilization, obtaining a
workable combination of visible and invisible forms of matter or energy is a
chance to surpass ourselves by extending our own limits.

The so-called luminous part of the Universe, be it ever so brilliant, so
forceful, that it seems to eclipse all the rest, while left in the shadow of
its over whelming radiance, cannot by itself constitute a whole. The latter
is left to the perception and investigation of scientists-but again, we must
have the courage to get to the bottom of things.

The bottom of things is often veiled by mentalities. Mentalities depend on
the human brain. It is interesting to note that the thing we are most proud
of, this wonderful human brain - physically, without our realizing it - has
always functioned in utter darkness. Man's skull constitutes, without a
doubt, the best model of a dark room which has ever been conceived. On the
optical as well as the psychological plane, one can easily imagine what
roadblocks are likely to be encountered. When we wish to refer to the
superior abilities of man, weuse the term "gray matter". Gray matter in a
dark room, with or without a prism - what a delicate situation! Isn't it
where all the subtlety lies?

From the gray lunar soil of the Moon and in the concerted harmony of
constructive forms, visible and invisible, of channeled light energy, the
white rose and the black rose of the Cosmos and the possibility of roses in
all color shades - enough to make the sky of Mars blush red - represent the
true challenge of space and the spaceship in modern times. Inertia, spectral
speed, speed equal to or higher than that of light, and the scientifically
controlled reversibility of the phenomenon, what a new synthesis, but also
what a liberation! To compare is not to prove, but the dark hidden side of
the Moon, however mysterious it may be, is not a path of no return.

At the edge of light, there is darkness. At the edge of darkness, we can
find light. Reconciling the "Children of Light" (I Thess. 5:5) - of the
zenith, the rising sun and the setting sun - with the "Children of Darkness"
(I Thess. 5:6) could perhaps one day become a question of scientific

"And there was evening and there was morning." (Gen. 1:5).

Could this, Professor, be one of the most harmonious aspects of the vital
cycle of space?

Thank you for your attention to my letter.

Yours very truly,

Lucien Bonnet


Following the article I published in the Montreal daily newspaper Le Devoir
on February 26, 1986 concerning anti-Black prejudice in the West, the
newspaper received reactions from all over Canada, both from the Black
community and from scientific circles. Most people who reached me, while
completely agreeing with me in my analysis of the deep causes of those
prejudices, stated that they were not fully satisfied with what I said about
the harmfulness of these prejudices in the scientific field, especially when
I mentioned, as an example of that contagion, Newton's Theory of colors.

Since not enough space was available in the paper, I could not express my
point of view in detail. So I will now give a concise demonstration of why
Newton's Theory of Colors is false.

First of all, what is Newton's Theory of Colors? Let me remind readers that
the concept of "color" that stems from scientific experimentation is based
on the demonstration in 1665 by the well-known scientist Isaac Newton.

This experiment consists in running a visible light ray called "white light"
through a prism in a dark room, breaking down that light into a continuous
spectrum encompassing all the colors.

Newton thought he had there by proven that white light is broken down by the
prism into a series of seven refracted rays which produced the colors from
red to violet on the screen on which they are projected. He therefore
concluded that white light contains various lights, each one of which is
darker than the white light itself and each of which is part of the whole.
And the darkest of all (real blackness), according to Newton, is simply an
absence of light.

My point of view, which is shared by many scientists, is that when the dark
room, which is actually black, is penetrated by the "visible light ray", it
turns into an area with a mixture of darkness and white light, so that it is
no longer a "dark room". This is the origin of "Newton's error", which is
the result of an incorrect observation.

In other words, the basic elements of his experiment are not what he thought
they were: in the course of the experiment, we are actually dealing with a
quasi-dark or quasi-white room. Consequently, the prism in that quasi-dark
room reflects the real situation; that is to say, the prism itself is
already under the influence of this mixture of white light and darkness.
That fact escaped Newton's notice.

In fact, the prism in the dark room where the experiment was carried out
receives darkness from one angle and a beam of white light from the other.
The prism thereby puts these two elements into action. The incident light
ray is transformed, softened under the effect of the surrounding shade.
Acting as a wave mixer, the prism integrates the white light and the
darkness. It synthesizes them in vitro based on a given degree in the
well-known "Gray scale" used in photography and color television. Under the
effect of the incident ray, which acts like a projector, the refracted, very
subtle gray ray passes through the prism. The continuous spectrum of all the
colors is formed in a quasi-dark room on a quasi-white screen, given that
the spectrum was born of both white light and darkness.

We therefore find that the continuous color scale, as we know it, is
constituted by the breaking down, not of white light, but a mixture of white
light and darkness - that is, of "gray". As the German scholar Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe wrote: "This is the proof of the existence of the law
where by light is nothing else than a mixture of light and darkness, to
different degrees." [our translation] Thus, Newton's theory of colors proves
to be completely false.

Nevertheless, the techniques used in industries dealing with photography,
cinematography and television are still based on that erroneous theory.

In photography, laboratories are quick to discover in their work that the
sum of the colors of the spectrum is gray, not white. That is why they are
compelled to introduce the black color to obtain the white. There you have a
demonstration in reverse that black is an integral part of light and color
processes. Remember that this fact completely escaped Newton's notice.
Unfortunately, even though, in their use and application of the color scale,
photo labs notice Newton's error and correct it in practice, they still do
not make the error more widely known.

Why ?

Some people might say that big industries using color processes - printing,
photography, movies, television and even microprocessors - keep to that
erroneous theory for the sake of major financial interests, especially
concerning patents and trade secrets. In addition, certain anti-Black
prejudices, deeply rooted in Western culture as well as in the field of
optics, have to be taken into account at this "phase of rest and almost
stagnation, rather than theoretical progress".

It is then up to the scientific world today - researchers, university
professors, etc. - to overcome such hindrances and correct Newton's theory,
in order to free the way for progress.

Lucien Bonnet

Article published in the Montreal daily newspaper Le Devoir on April 15,
1986. The author of the article, a
Haitian-born Montrealer, has made a movie entitled "Oů vas-tu, Haiti?"
("Where are you Headed, Haiti?").

96 percent of cosmos puzzles astronomers
Friday, June 20, 2003 Posted: 1629 GMT (12:29 AM HKT)

Luminous matter accounts for only about 0.4 percent of the universe.

Story Tools

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Earth, moon, sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one percent of the universe. Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy, unknown forces that puzzle astronomers.

Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe evolved and have emphasized for astronomers how little is known about the major forces and substances that shaped our world.

Astronomers now know that luminous matter -- stars, planets and hot gas -- account for only about 0.4 percent of the universe. Nonluminous components, such as black holes and intergalactic gas, make up 3.6 percent. The rest is either dark matter, about 23 percent, or dark energy, about 73 percent.

Dark matter, sometimes called "cold dark matter," has been known for some time. Only recently have researchers come to understand the pivotal role it played in the formation of stars, planets and even people.

"We owe our very existence to dark matter," said Paul Steinhardt, a physicist at Princeton University and a co-author of a review on dark matter appearing this week in the journal Science.

Steinhardt said it is believed that following the Big Bang, the theoretical beginning of the universe, dark matter caused particles to clump together. That set up the gravitation processes that led to the formation of stars and galaxies. Those stars, in turn, created the basic chemicals, such as carbon and iron, that were fundamental to the evolution of life.

"Dark matter dominated the formation of structure in the early universe," Steinhardt said. "For the first few billion years dark matter contained most of the mass of the universe. You can think of ordinary matter as a froth on an ocean of dark matter. The dark matter clumps and the ordinary matter falls into it. That led to the formation of the stars and galaxies."

Without dark matter, "there would be virtually no structures in the universe," he said.

The nature of dark matter is unknown. It cannot be seen or detected directly. Astronomers know it is there because of its effect on celestial objects than can be seen and measured.

But the most dominating force of all in the universe is called dark energy, a recently proven power that astronomers say is causing the galaxies in the universe to separate at a faster and faster speed. It is the force that is causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate.

Robert P. Kirshner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the presence of dark energy was proved only five years ago when astronomers studying very distant exploding stars discovered they were moving away at a constant acceleration. It was a stunning discovery that has since been proved by other observations.

Kirshner said it is clear now that dark matter and dark energy engaged in a gravitational tug of war that, eventually, dark energy won.

Following the Big Bang some 14 billion years ago, matter in the universe streaked outward. It formed galaxies, thinned out and then began to slow down.

"Dark matter was trying to slow things down and dark energy was trying to speed it up," said Kirshner, the author of a review article on dark energy in Science.

"We think dark matter was winning for the first seven billion years, but then universe went from slowing down to speeding up. ... Dark energy took over."

Kirshner said astronomers do not really understand dark energy. Albert Einstein first proposed a form of the idea, but discarded it later. Now, researchers know it exists, but its exact form and nature are mysterious, although it is thought to be related to gravity.

"What this is pointing to is a deep mystery at the heart of physics," said Kirshner. "We don't understand gravity in the same way we understand other forces."

He said there are virtually no experiments on Earth that would explore the nature of dark energy. It can only be studied across vast stellar distances by observing the motion of objects extremely far away, a skill that has been possible only in recent decades with the development of very powerful telescopes.

"Dark energy will cause the universe to expanded faster and faster and eventually, over time, we will see less and less of it," Kirshner said. Over millions of years, familiar stars and nearby galaxies will disappear from view and the sky, now choked with stars, will slowly darken.

"The piece of the universe that we can see will get lonelier and lonelier," he said. (


I don't care what side of the political sprectrum you're on, this makes Democrats like like wimps and cowards. All news is biased, the left is just so unused to seeing slant that goes their way that we freak out when confronted with bias in the other direction. Like it or not, Fox is the most watched news channel and our candidates don't look good when they hide from a potentially hostile interview.

By Connor O'Brien (not verified) on 11 Mar 2007 #permalink

You communists owned CNN for 20 fucking years! Somebody DARES to go against your socialist dream and you cry foul. Mother fuck all of you cunts!
ALL TV sucks. Fox sucks less. You suck MORE!

"Chris Matthews and Keith O are NOT biased?!" Wow. That is an interesting statement. Really? Again, wow. Say what you want about Fox, but they always always have equal amount of people from both sides. Can the other channels say the same? MSNBC is similar to Bill Mahr they deabet the issues with 3 dems and no non-liberal opinion for balance. No bias there. Regarding does anyone watch Fox anymore? Umm, it is the number one rated cable news channel often beating the competition by more than 2 to 1. So, yes, people watch it. Basically, what some of you hate about Fox is that they show the 'other' side - the Republican side. You only want to see the dem side - so since Fox shows both sides, you hate them. Expand your minds peeps!

By Johnny Ventana (not verified) on 11 Mar 2007 #permalink

The post by Lucien BONNET takes up about 85% of the web page. I thought it was part of the article.

Now that I look at it, the speech by Ailes takes up about Half of the 'article' part of the page.

By Mike Hnatusko (not verified) on 11 Mar 2007 #permalink

Faux News is Fair and Balanced? Why do they have to proclaim they are fair and balanced then? NO other news organization feels the need. They pick the wimpiest so called Democrats or Liberals to "balance" the discussions they can find, and then barely let them talk. They are so rude that most "real" Liberal speakers won't even accept invitations to their shows anymore. They spout even more radical junk late at night when they think nobody is watching. One night I heard a couple of their "balanced" commentators call all Liberals "Communists". Is this news? They don't even pretend to be news. When O'Reilly was calling that woman and saying the grossest sexual things to her, they acted as if it was a "non-story". My poor dumb mother-in-law who gets all her "news" from them hadn't even heard he was a total pervert. She was buying his books for my kids to read!!! She was shocked. And she wanted to know why they were picking on "poor George W" on the other TV stations. Luckily for her, she passed away before this last year of Repub scandal. Millions more like her are out there. It is great the Dems have refused to debate on Fox. Maybe a little of it will get through to the dunderheads.

I think it's certainly time for the apologists to stop defending Fox.

As to their content, nature, base and audience. I think this thread provides ample evidence for where the fairness and balance lies:

On the anti-Fox side we have people like JFerrera:

Do you really hold that Fox puts out a, as you phrase it, "variance of opinion"?Fox has nothing to do with opinion. Fox is about big time wrestling. It's about phony, hairdo, bullies struting about with un-Christian hubris. It's about calling people names and spinning facts.

Strong words. Words that invite comment and debate from anyone holding a different opinion. Said opinion being expressed thusly:

You communists owned CNN for 20 fucking years! Somebody DARES to go against your socialist dream and you cry foul. Mother fuck all of you cunts!

Sure this is a comment thread. The profanity is part of the discourse. But I still think the terms we frame our debates in tell a great deal about the truth or falsity of our argument.

For me, anything on Fox may safely be denied as false outright until proven true. I wouldn't believe their weather report without independant confirmation.

Now if you think I'm not being fair and balanced, let's take a look at some Fox screenshots.

Fox News: because you can't trust reality.

Google is not building a mobile phone, but software tools for mobile services

Peter Leyden, director of the New Politics Institute political and new media think tank, said that YouTube video represents "a new era, a new wave of politics ... because it's not about Obama. It's about the end of the broadcast era."


Le destin de lunivers : trous noirs et énergie sombre Le mardi 27 février 2007


Dans le cadre des mardis de lEspace des sciences, son équipe vous donne rendez-vous le mardi 27 février 2007 à 20H30, pour une conférence ayant pour thème : Le destin de lunivers : trous noirs et énergie sombre, par Jean-Pierre LUMINET, Astrophysicien, écrivain, Directeur de recherche au CNRS.

A loccasion de la parution de son dernier ouvrage, Jean-Pierre Luminet fait le point sur les propriétés extravagantes des trous noirs : machines à produire de lénergie, ordinateurs suprêmes, portes de passage vers dautres univers, maelströms emportant dans leur ronde matière, espace et temps. Des microscopiques aux géants en passant par les stellaires, les trous noirs se révèlent aux astronomes selon une panoplie de phénomènes allant des hypernovae aux quasars, en passant par les sources X binaires et les lentilles gravitationnelles. Enfin, aux côtés de la mystérieuse énergie sombre, les trous noirs semblent devoir jouer un rôle prépondérant dans le destin à très long terme de lUnivers.

Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles. Séance de dédicaces prévue après la conférence.


Espace des sciences Salle de conférences Hubert Curien Les Champs Libres 10 cours des Alliés


Google Web Alert for: Lucien Bonnet

Apple 1984 Ad Spoofed in Political Campaign || The Mac Observer
Lucien BONNET ============= LETTER TO PRESIDENT CLINTON Montreal, March 22, 1995 President William Jefferson Clinton President of the United States of ...

Thank you for welcoming me.

SEE: "Bill A Ri And There Was Light!"


Montreal, March 22, 1995

President William Jefferson Clinton
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Mister President:

Please allow me to take the opportunity of your visit to Haiti, as President
of the United States of America, on March 31, 1995, to pay due tribute in
all sincerity to you and your distinguished wife, Mrs. Hillary Rodham

You honor Haiti and the Haitian people with your presence and support.

Thanks to you and your allies in the United Nations and the Organization of
American States, the return-to-democracy process has been successfully
carried out. Now that the legitimate President, Jean Bertrand Aristide, has
been reinstated in his official status, it is with legitimate pride, I am
sure that he welcomes you to his country. For you, as well as for us, the
"Uphold Democracy" operation is truly a beautiful historical moment.

Mr. President, I come from Haiti, that underdeveloped country.

With underdeveloped tools - a camera and a few films - I have tried, in
order to serve my country's cause, to demystify the word "light" and
denounce Newton's Theory of Colors.

With that same desire to serve constitutional legitimacy in my country, I
have written the enclosed book entitled Haiti, Let There Be Light! I hope
that you and Mrs. Clinton will accept this privately produced copy,
especially intended for you, while you are getting ready for your trip to

May I make a confession to you, Mr. President? I followed, closely and with
intense interest, your electoral campaign, election, and swearing-in
ceremony as 42nd President of the United States. What a great nation you
represent! Please believe me: your courageous commitment to facilitate the
restoration of democracy in my country has escaped no one. On the very day
of your swearing-in ceremony, I wished to send you my book, Haďti, Que La
Lumičre Soit!, which questions Newton's Theory of Colors. I did not do so,
because I felt an English-language version would be more appropriate.

Since I could not send you a copy of the yet-to-be-published English version
of my book, I contented myself with dreaming - dreaming that on one of your
first evenings in the White House, you were seated in the Oval Room with
Mrs. Clinton and your daughter Chelsea. You were reading Haďti, Que La
Lumičre Soit! I imagined you carefully examining certain passages of that
work in its English version, which is now in preparation - typed by a
sightless, multilingual Haitian. Those paragraphs deal with the so-called
missing matter, darkness in space, "black holes" - in a word: the invisible
mass of the Cosmos. You notice Dr. Carl Sagan's research on Exobiology and
the DNA found in the dark matter in the universe, and you suddenly remember
a Time article from April 10, 1978 entitled "Black Holes and Martian
Valleys", which contained the following passage:

"A while later, astronomer Carl Sagan (The Dragons of Eden) found himself
lugging his slide box into the Vice President's big new house and, after
coffee, taking the Mondale and Carter families on a journey through the

Jimmy Carter is the closest thing to a scientist we have had in the White
House since Thomas Jefferson.

Nixon could not run a tape recorder.

Johnson could not fully figure out his alarm wrist watch.

Not Jimmy. He was fascinated by the discussion of "Black Holes" and the
speculation that they might provide answers to what holds the Universe

"Well," you exclaimed, "O.K. for former President Carter. It is normal for
the President of a star-spangled republic to choose between "Star Peace" and
"Star War". As to the former President's inclination toward Einstein's
physics and/or Planck's Quantum Theory, there is a great temptation to apply
certain laws of the Cosmos to politics and diplomacy. Consider the "Tunnel
Effect", the way that energy escapes from black holes.

"Carter goes back to the sources and draws inspiration from them. That makes
me think about Aristide - both of them are well at ease in both the Western
world and the Black world: the visible and the invisible. However, there is
one difference: the Haitians follow Aristide everywhere, like a comet's
tail. If Aristide is considered as a "Black Sun", then the Haitians are
"space refugees".

"Yes, Haiti! We are pulled down to earth. Democracy. the exodus of the Boat
People. with the Law of Probabilities, whether we think about Planck or
Carter, it doesn't seem that a solution will be found tomorrow.

"What business did the Haitians have in that "boat"?"

"Say, there above, the Black Twin! Is it still broad daylight in the shadow
of the "Black Sun"?"

"Oh God," you say aloud to Mrs. Clinton: "Eureka! I have found it! Fiat lux!
Let there be light! Que la lumičre soit! Black holes, black sun, tunnel
effect, Aristide effect, boat people, space refugees, Carl Sagan, Jimmy
Carter. six of one and half a dozen of the other."

There is loud laughter in the Oval Room.

Bill a ri Bill laughed
Hillary a ri Hillary laughed
Chelsea a ri aussi Chelsea laughed too

Humor is American, Mr. President, and so are dreams. Let my book "Haïti! Que
La Lumière Soit!" be the "dark matter", arguing in favor of the development
of the Black world - visible and invisible!

In the area of science, high technology, creative innovation, and space
exploration, I think there is nothing that America cannot deal with. That is
why, in that spaceship of universal energy, I dare sail with a dream.

In my dream, it is your first trip inside your SPACE AIR FORCE ONE,
propelled by the energy of invisible and concentrated dark matter, like
black holes. A mini black hole of an avant-garde design whose motor sequence
develops inertia, spectral speed, speed equal to or higher than that of
light, and scientifically controlled reversibility of the phenomenon.

What a new synthesis, but also what a liberation!

Synthesis and analysis are two wings of the same bird - contracted and
unfolded at the same time, following the heartbeat of the Universe tamed
inside the infinitely small: "One small step for man, one giant leap for

This would be the natural and constructive counterpart of Newton's Theory of
Light and Colors, which slows down that impulse. This is a necessary change
in the name of development and progress humbly submitted on behalf of Haiti:
a testimony of gratitude toward mankind. Let us go further, to the other
side of the Universe, as suggested by an eyewitness: the Hubble telescope,
with its camera.

". Hubble focused on the centre of the galaxy [M87], an area 500 light-years
across. The pictures revealed a spiral structure formed by fast-moving gas
clouds being drawn toward the centre, rather like water going down a drain."

Dr. Harms said the Hubble spectrographic camera was then focused on points
60 light-years across on opposite sides of the spinning disc. This camera
breaks down light into its wavelength parts, rather like a prism separates
colours in sunlight." (The Globe and Mail, Thursday, May 26, 1994)

Let us in the long run, replace the camera by a motor run by the ENERGY OF
THE YEAR 2000, transforming the DARK MATTER from the invisible to the
visible and vice versa. We would there by take advantage of the sequence of
colored and colorless light speeds, so as to better visit the Universe,
where law and order are transcendent, just as in democracy.

I have decided to write this letter because your leadership, Mr. President,
like an inevitable and immeasurable energy, has practically absorbed me,
allowing me to express myself.

On October 4, 1994, in the General Assembly of the United Nations, a voice
echoed the power of your leadership. In new words, on March 31, 1995, that
same voice will repeat:

"Even now, with the peaceful launching of the operation "UPHOLD DEMOCRACY"
on 19 September last year, a tropical smile has shed light upon the faces of
those who espouse and love peace - Peacemakers, Peacekeepers, and
Peacelovers. Together, President Clinton and we have managed to open up a
"tunnel" of hope after so much suffering."

That testimony by President Aristide at the U.N. emphasizes the magnitude of
the efforts needed to bring about such a happy conclusion.

Your present trip to Haiti is the strongest confirmation of that sequence of
events, and illustrates an unprecedented chapter in the annals of Haiti, as
well as in the life of the Haitian people

Thank you, Mr. President, for associating Haiti with your Strategic
Development Initiative (S.D.I.) at the dawn of the "Star Peace".

Glaze Storm



The Right Honorable Lucien Bouchard

Prime Minister of Quebec

Building Hydro-Québec

75, boulevard René Lévesque Ouest

Montréal (Québec)

H2Z 1A4

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

"It is in adversity", I was going to say in darkness", that one recognizes true friends.

In this national test due to the shortage of electricity because of bad weather, each one of us, in Québec like elsewhere, recognizes in you the Statesman, the friend very sensitive to the needs of the Québécois.

In solidarity betwen us in this shortage, we are also in solidarity with your energy, your will to build and rebuild.

Energy of the Sixties tested, confronted by the Ice storm crisis, what does Science hold for us in this field at the crossroad of the third millennium?

Each of us should express solidarity, according to his means.

My contribution, apparently futuristic, refers, Mister Prime Minister, to an inexhaustible source of energy, which one should tame now.

In a book with limited publication, translated in English for the needs of the cause, entitled " BILL A RI And There Was Light ", addressed during his last American election campaign to President Bill Clinton who acknowledged having received it, I dared to tackle this subject.

A second copy of that manuscript reached 24 Sussex at Ottawa, intended for the Prime Minister of Canada, the day before the visit of the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien at the White House.

As for the French original version which entitled then " Haïti ! Que La Lumière Soit ! ", it was given in person in care of the Canadian ambassador to Port-au-Prince, Mr. Hubert Feuillé, to President Jean Bertrand Aristide.

It's like to say to you, Mister Prime Minister, that in the exceptional circumstances in which Québec lives today - in the point of view of energy - no exploration in the mid or long term, by the expertise of Hydro-Québec, of an additional source of energy, at the same time safe and profitable, should not be ruled out. The Chairman and managing Director of the Hydro-Québec Company, who assists you so admirably, will assist you even more, I hope, vis-à-vis that new perspective.

In my letter to President Bill Clinton as well as in the one to your federal counterpart Mr. Jean Chrétien, I brought up that prospect to them. Who can guess, vis-à-vis this posssibility, which one of them would be the first to take advantage thereof.

There is no witchcraft at all involved in all that, Mister Prime Minister. In spite of my Haïtian ascent and my carefully phrased remarks. It is undoubtedly so when a taboo should be broken through; a taboo of magnitude, Mister Prime Minister, I admit it; a scientific" taboo, seldom encountered.

Why did that happened to me, in such a way, like an ice storm, camera in hand, in full darkness? - " the taboo arises as a negative categorical imperative," affirms Roger Caillois. It is not saying little. Especially when it is a question of adequately correcting the theory of Newton on light and colors.

What an ungrateful work, what an irony, what else? Above that, for more than twenty-five years. However, at the dawn of the twenty first century, to denounce this taboo, to reverse it, should I say, what an asset! Moreover, at the same time the multiple taboos grow blurred which surround another phenomenon of the highest scientific range, the well known phenomenon under the abusive name of "Black Holes", synthesis of light and colors. Indeed Newton, in good faith undoubtedly in his time, really reversed the interpretation of the phenomenon of light. He took the part for the whole ! So much and so well that today like yesterday, the visible appears so much more tempting. Physicists say it: "ninety to ninety nine percent of the matter of the universe is made up of a dark matter, invisible, which generates, propels and surrounds the visible, like the sea surrounds the continents". Scientists such as Stephen Hawking affirm it. The Hubble Telescope confirms it. But theoretical Optics is stagnant.

My intervention, here, Mister Prime Minister, would mean that. It is possible to use another form of energy. By decoding the Black Matter. By the expertise of Hydro-Québec which has proven itself in many occasions. Without a play on words. Theoretically initially. While returning the elevator to Newton. Because, today, Hydro-Québec is well informed and with full power ! Forgive, this time, this very small play on words, intended to pay homage to you. For the Act which consists in making an AMENDMENT TO THE LAW OF NEWTON ON LIGHT AND COLORS..

Presently, why should we take the result instead of the cause? Objectively and in a pragmatic way, by a new synthesis; consequently, what a liberation ! At the threshold of the third millennium, let light live, invisible by synthesis, visible by analysis.

"Synthesis and analysis are two wings of the same bird, the rythm of the universe`s heartbeat, tamed inside the infinitely small having mass. Successively contracted and deployed. In the benefit of humanity. "One small step for Man, one giant leap for Mankind - I also said myself - in BILL A RI and there was light !.. "

What an unfortunate ice storm, certainly ! Versus illumination. Versus vivifying heat. Unfortunate, yes, but how much a convenient storm if I dare say, which invites us to explore other avenues, other concepts and, therefore, other resources so far neglected. Invitation to go from the invisible to the visible and vice versa. Taking advantage of the sequence of colorless and colored luminous speeds. In order to better understand the Universe. Where Law and Order prevail. Just like in Democracy !

Energetic formula with a unique character !

In the name of Science and Technology, vapor is being reverse !

A winning formula !

In Québec !

By Hydro-Québec !

As for the concept which enabled me to carry out this research, to draw certain conclusions and thus to propose its application, allow me, Mister Prime Minister, in spite of your many obligations and concerns, a small and fast digression.

1972. A young talented lawyer. I consult him on the royalties, the intellectual property, and the legal protection. He collects data, consults his fellow-members, at the Bar. Days, months pass. I call and I recall. One year, two years. I insist. I persist, as a condition to pay his fee, in obtaining an answer. He proposes, in private, a verbal report. I tell him the importance which I attach to a written report. Obviously not at ease, reluctantly, he gives me, on August 16, 1974, a letter! You are, Mister Prime Minister, the very first one to receive today, here included, a copy of it.

As for the verbal report mentioned in the letter which I address to you today, it was around a glass of beer from the well-known MOLSON Brewery , I still remember, that the young and talented lawyer, well in spite of himself but in all respect and friendship, delivered to me the verdict of his elders, his fellow-members of the Bar:

"You are", they say, "an illuminated Black person !"

Pretending to be under the effect of a certain euphoria to which the famous beer MOLSON gets one discreetly, I told him on a hardly exalted but sincerely happy tone: "I, Lucien, from the Latin Lucianus which, from the root Lux, Lucis and any other variation reminds me FIAT!, then FIAT Lux! Let us raise our glass to your Bar and Let there be light ! "

"An Illuminated Black person !", I suddenly told him again, "in the white ceremony where the snow and the wind intermingle, in this country of blowing snow..." sung by Gilles Vigneault, what a spectacle !

Homage to you, Mister Prime Minister, because today like yesterday, in the Country sung by Gilles Vigneault, thanks to you, to your collaborators, to all the people of Québec, and to the "Father" who had house built, "the guest room, it is beautiful! "

How not to think of René Lévesque, during a meeting before the first "Parti Québécois referendum " on a Saturday, in company of Doctor Camille Laurin, of Doctor Denis Lazure, of Father Jacques Couture, of Gérald Godin of venerated memory, without forgetting the former deputy Pierre de Bellefeuille. Facing him that Saturday, illuminated by I do not know which obscure clearness, I gave to him in person a summery of this subject which I have a chance to entertain with you today. One sentence condensed its content. He promised me to read it all in his limousine, on the way back from Montréal to Québec. The following day, on Sunday morning, I knew that he had read it.

With you today, Mister Prime Minister, I repeat this sentence, more than twenty-five years old, but always, in my opinion, carrying the same message that I wish more and more positive for the years to come, in the third millennium...

"On the cosmic scale as on the terrestrial scale, darkness or blackness forms an integral, sine qua non part, of color and light pocess".

Is it still broad daylight

in the shadow of the black sun?

Yours truly,



96 percent of cosmos puzzles astronomers
Friday, June 20, 2003 Posted: 1629 GMT (12:29 AM HKT)

Luminous matter accounts for only about 0.4 percent of the universe.

Story Tools

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Earth, moon, sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one percent of the universe. Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy, unknown forces that puzzle astronomers.

Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe evolved and have emphasized for astronomers how little is known about the major forces and substances that shaped our world.

Astronomers now know that luminous matter -- stars, planets and hot gas -- account for only about 0.4 percent of the universe. Nonluminous components, such as black holes and intergalactic gas, make up 3.6 percent. The rest is either dark matter, about 23 percent, or dark energy, about 73 percent.

Dark matter, sometimes called "cold dark matter," has been known for some time. Only recently have researchers come to understand the pivotal role it played in the formation of stars, planets and even people.

"We owe our very existence to dark matter," said Paul Steinhardt, a physicist at Princeton University and a co-author of a review on dark matter appearing this week in the journal Science.

Steinhardt said it is believed that following the Big Bang, the theoretical beginning of the universe, dark matter caused particles to clump together. That set up the gravitation processes that led to the formation of stars and galaxies. Those stars, in turn, created the basic chemicals, such as carbon and iron, that were fundamental to the evolution of life.

"Dark matter dominated the formation of structure in the early universe," Steinhardt said. "For the first few billion years dark matter contained most of the mass of the universe. You can think of ordinary matter as a froth on an ocean of dark matter. The dark matter clumps and the ordinary matter falls into it. That led to the formation of the stars and galaxies."

Without dark matter, "there would be virtually no structures in the universe," he said.

The nature of dark matter is unknown. It cannot be seen or detected directly. Astronomers know it is there because of its effect on celestial objects than can be seen and measured.

But the most dominating force of all in the universe is called dark energy, a recently proven power that astronomers say is causing the galaxies in the universe to separate at a faster and faster speed. It is the force that is causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate.

Robert P. Kirshner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the presence of dark energy was proved only five years ago when astronomers studying very distant exploding stars discovered they were moving away at a constant acceleration. It was a stunning discovery that has since been proved by other observations.

Kirshner said it is clear now that dark matter and dark energy engaged in a gravitational tug of war that, eventually, dark energy won.

Following the Big Bang some 14 billion years ago, matter in the universe streaked outward. It formed galaxies, thinned out and then began to slow down.

"Dark matter was trying to slow things down and dark energy was trying to speed it up," said Kirshner, the author of a review article on dark energy in Science.

"We think dark matter was winning for the first seven billion years, but then universe went from slowing down to speeding up. ... Dark energy took over."

Kirshner said astronomers do not really understand dark energy. Albert Einstein first proposed a form of the idea, but discarded it later. Now, researchers know it exists, but its exact form and nature are mysterious, although it is thought to be related to gravity.

"What this is pointing to is a deep mystery at the heart of physics," said Kirshner. "We don't understand gravity in the same way we understand other forces."

He said there are virtually no experiments on Earth that would explore the nature of dark energy. It can only be studied across vast stellar distances by observing the motion of objects extremely far away, a skill that has been possible only in recent decades with the development of very powerful telescopes.

"Dark energy will cause the universe to expanded faster and faster and eventually, over time, we will see less and less of it," Kirshner said. Over millions of years, familiar stars and nearby galaxies will disappear from view and the sky, now choked with stars, will slowly darken.

"The piece of the universe that we can see will get lonelier and lonelier," he said. (
"Bill A Ri And There Was Light!"
Lauteur, Montréalais dorigine haïtienne, est diplômé en Sciences de la Communication de lUniversité de Montréal.

The author, from Montreal of Haitian origin, is graduate in Communication Sciences from the University of Montreal.