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December 15, 2007
A friend of mine, who's name won't be mentioned, blacked out in class the other day. Since then, he's been on a seizure drug. The drug is giving a very weird side effect. It must be affecting his auditory cortex, because he is hearing all audio roughly a half-octave lower than what it really is…
December 6, 2007
I've spent this last week familiarizing myself with this article for my biochemistry class. Obviously, the article is way to large to bite off in one blog. One spot that draws my curiosity. The AUR1 is promoted by the presence of Galactose. The kicker is that the presence of Glucose will turn…
November 21, 2007
Some observations on working with zebrafish: Their vision isn't as reliable as I thought. They would try like there's no tomorrow to swim through the Plexiglas wall when there's a hold only a few inches over. If I want to continue my experiments without having an aneurysm, I'll have to make a few…
November 11, 2007
Since I took Cell Biology last year, the Telomerase Gene has been an object of curiosity to me. Manipulating this pathway could slow down aging. On the other hand, it could be used in the opposite way to fight cancer. I do understand that this raises the ethical issue of how much we are supposed…
November 2, 2007
Over the last few weeks, we the Neuro class have finished our last book and we began Time, Love, Memory by Jonathan Weiner. The theme of this book is experiments on behavior on fruit flies, drosophila. I'm beginning to see why fruit flies would be such a good choice. They are low maintainance and…
October 26, 2007
Hi guys and gals, it's been awhile since my last entry. Last week kept me very busy. In the midst of my late nights typing, I learned some fun things about chloride channels (for one of PZ's exams.) I learned about their job of regulating cell volume and an appropriate cell-membrane charge. One…
October 11, 2007
A few weeks ago in Bio-chem, we learned about fatty acids. We learned that any partially hydrogenated fats/oils are trans fats. If it's under .5 grams per serving, food companies are privileged to round that number down and boast their food as "Zero Trans Fats." This hit home to me this morning…
September 30, 2007
It's been quite busy last week. Despite the Neurobiology class didn't meet that week, my other classes kept my hands full. I blame it on two exams and a paper due during the week of Homecoming. Since I don't have any new thoughts on Neurobiology, let's see what can be dug up from my Biochemistry…
September 22, 2007
Since I'll be using PZMyer's lab, I'll have access to plenty of zebra fish. As per being in his Neurobiology course, I get to design my own experiment. Zebra fish are schooling fish. If they are isolated, I wonder if finding another fish would be their top priority. Would it be high enough that…
September 14, 2007
Hello. I'm a student in PZMyers' Neurobiology course. I've never blogged before, but hey, there's a first for everything I guess. My major is Biology. My strengths are ideas and problem solving; weaknesses include porcrastination. When I'm not in class, I enjoy swimming, swing dancing,…