In more news of the weird...

I write about zoonoses (diseases transmitted between animals and humans) quite a bit here, but I don't think I've ever written about animal-human sex. Here at Scienceblogs, though, you never know what you'll find, and colleague Darren Naish has a post about, well, traumatic anal intercourse with a pig. And it comes from the peer-reviewed literature. Just goes to prove that truth is indeed stranger than fiction...


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One rumor I've heard quite a bit is that HIV arose from animal-human sex with chimpanzees. I wonder how prevalent transmission of zoonoses from animal-human sex really is.

By Jon Strong (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

You know what? Something just occurred to me.

There are more peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of traumatic anal intercourse with a pig than on intelligent design.

J: Oh. My. God.

OK, I really don't want to know the answer, but how the heck do you induce a boar to have anal sex with you? I can see it if the human is the "top", but how do you convince the pig to be the top??????

Thank you J. I'm in a good mood for the weekend

By Gene Goldring (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

One rumor I've heard quite a bit is that HIV arose from animal-human sex with chimpanzees. I wonder how prevalent transmission of zoonoses from animal-human sex really is.

Much more likely is that it came from butchering and eating chimpanzees and other primates, rather than having sex with them. But certainly this has the potential to transmit disease, though I'd *hope* that it's such an infrequent happening that a transmission event would be unlikely...

ow do you convince the pig to be the top?

Laugh at his jokes.

"Much more likely is that it came from butchering and eating chimpanzees and other primates, rather than having sex with them. But certainly this has the potential to transmit disease, though I'd *hope* that it's such an infrequent happening that a transmission event would be unlikely..."

This is not very likely, if it were even possible, how could it spread so quickly across the continent when the transmission rates for HIV are so low? Also the HIV in africa is a different strain, HIV 2 supposedly, so why didnt that strain turn up here?

Seems like the dissidents Like Duesberg are right, this 1/1000 cell no animal model, extend the window period from 10 months to ten years has always been around, Gallo just ressurected it to save his failing career.