Ohio needs help, again

I mentioned previously a pending proposal in Ohio to reinsert "critical analysis" language into the school standards (see this post and this follow-up). Over at Panda's Thumb, RBH has a post updating the situation:

The "critical thinking"/teach the controversy template proposal takes a legitimate passage (originally taken directly from the National Science Standards) in the current Scientific Ways of Knowing section of Ohio's Science Standards (10th Grade Indicator 2 under Benchmark A, pp. 90, 146, 237) and sabotages it by tacking on a section directing students to apply it preferentially to evolution, global warming, cloning & stem cell research - 4 areas of science disliked by certain politico-religious groups.

The Board of Education is holding its first fall meeting next week, so this is a critical time; find out how you can help below the fold.

Please write the Board of Ed TODAY. Politely urge them to hold a vote of the entire Board -at their Tuesday Sept 12 meeting - establishing that additional language is NOT needed to replace the creationist nonsense removed at the Feb 06 mtg.

The Board should devote their energy to closing the achievement gap, solving the school funding crisis, and other genuine issues. They should resist religious extremists pressuring them to corrupt science education and co-opt the classroom for religious conversion.

Politely insist they stand up for freedom of religion, and good science in Ohio's schools!

Action 1: Call your elected board representative. If you live in the Cleveland area, that would be Achievement Committee member Virgil Brown. 216-851-3304. Urge him to call for a vote in Monday's Achievement Committee meeting.

Action 2: If you know anyone in the Canton area, please urge them to call Achievement Committee Co-chair elected rep Jim Craig, (330) 492- 5533. He's up for re-election this Fall. Here's his chance to shine!

Action 3: Please also write to all Board of Ed members to encourage them to call for a vote that will settle this matter!

As always, all kinds of contact information and details about the Ohio districts can be found at Panda's Thumb. You can also find a letter template to use here.

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The Panda's Thumb issues an Ohio Call to Action: Please write the Board of Ed TODAY. Politely urge them to hold a vote of the entire Board –at their Tuesday Sept 12 meeting – establishing that additional language is NOT needed to replace the creationist nonsense removed at the Feb 06 mtg. The Board…
As I've mentioned previously, I'm an Ohioan, born and bred. I was living in the state when all the Discovery Institute shenanigans were ongoing, resulting in the addition of a "critical analysis of evolution" lesson plan (which was removed this past February). Of course, that hasn't stopped the…
Oh yeah, baby--Richard has the dish over on Panda's Thumb: Ohio is no longer on the Disco Institute's list of favorite states for pilgrimages. Late this afternoon, by an 11-4 vote, the Ohio State Board of Education stripped out the intelligent-design creationist "critical analysis of evolution"…
I wrote earlier how some Global Warming Skeptics likened themselves to Creationists. Over at the Panda's Thumb Richard Hoppe has more: Regular readers of the Thumb will recall that in February, the Ohio State Board of Education removed the "critical analysis of evolution" standard, benchmark, and…

Why don't you contact Liz Craig and Jack Krebs over at Kansas Citizens for Science?

They are experts at making the opposition appear in the worst light possible, and general tactics of ridicule.

Here is another way you can help. The Ohio Dept of Education member who is the Creationism ringleader is up for reelection in November. There is great candidate running against her this time. Tom Sawyer is a very well known and well respected statesmen in Ohio. He has been everything from teacher, school administrator, mayor, and state and federal representative. Tom Sawyer is also backed by the science and education community in Ohio. He is the real deal.

He was recently asked to run for this position and readily agreed due to the sorry state of education in Ohio. The campaign is just getting off the ground. You can do your bit for science by visiting http://www.votetomsawyer.com and seeing how you can help put an end to Creationism in Ohio's schools.

Sorry for the shameless plug, but we really could use the help from the science community.