Welcome MnCSE!

Minnesota has a new group: Minnesota Citizens for Science Education (MnCSE).

They already have an excellent website put together, and have an event upcoming on November 11th:

Science Education Saturday
November 11, 2006
Bell Museum of Natural History
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

Some of the most popular and dynamic professors involved with evolutionary biology at the University of Minnesota - Mark Borrello, Randy Moore, PZ Myers and others - will join a panel of public school K-12 educators to present practical suggestions for the classroom, useful resources for teachers and ideas for working with students and your community.

Come with questions - leave with strategies.

Looks like they've hit the ground running! I'll have to see if I can make it up there on the 11th.


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Thanks for linking to the MnCSE site. It looks like it will be a wonderful resource! I particularly like the map of scientists that dissent from Darwinism. It's a very telling graphic...

Tara, whats the name of that water soluble electrolyte solution. I have Pedialyte for bird flu but it surely wont be enough. I need something that has a shelf life.

R. Kruger

By M.Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 04 Sep 2006 #permalink