Grand Rounds 2.18 is up

This week's Grand Rounds is up over at Kevin, M.D. I forgot to submit a post, but this week's edition is certainly not suffering from my absence. Check out this week's collection of the best posts in the medical blogosphere.

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So says Dr Val Jones at Dr Val's Revolution Health Blog, host of this week's Grand Rounds medical blog carnival. The good doctor classified the posts as follows: [:-)] = A post that demonstrates literary excellence [{] = Early bird - an author who got his/her submission in early, which is really…
This week's anniversary edition of Grand Rounds is up over at Kevin, M.D., while a new Tangled Bank is up today at Aardvarchaelogy.
I learned via Kevin, MD, of a great new BlogTalkRadio show by Ohio physician, Doctor Anonymous. BlogTalkRadio is pretty neat in that you get video of the host, audio of the interview, and a chat window on which listeners can post a running commentary and discussion of the show. I got to "meet"…
Welcome to Grand Rounds at Aetiology! Grab a cup of joe, take a seat, and enjoy the best of this week's medical blogging. Just make sure to wash your hands when you're never know what's lying around here, between the kids, the dog, and the lab... First, a programming note. Just a few…