Aard Turns Six

Yesterday the 29th was Aard's sixth birthday, but I was busy making Småland elk meatball lasagna and playing boardgames so I forgot to post. The State of the Blog is good and I have lots of year-end entries to write, as well as a stack of archaeomags to comment on, and hopefully I will get the finder's permission to publish some photographs here of a mind-boggling new Danish find that Aard regular (since at least July 2011) Jakob tipped me off about the other day.

Overcast weather has caused me to spend most of my Christmas vacation indoors. I'm looking forward to some crisp and sunny January days when I can hit the golf course on my skis. And to interviewing for a job where the application reviewers have for the first time ranked me #1...

How are you spending your holidays, Dear Reader?


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I’ve been blogging for a bit more than ten years now, having started on 16 December, and today Aard turns nine! I was inspired to begin blogging by my wife who started in October 2005. She worked as a news reporter at the time, and journalists were early adopters in Swedish blogging. I was doing…
While I am on vacation, I'm reprinting a number of "Classic Insolence" posts to keep the blog active while I'm gone. (It also has the salutory effect of allowing me to move some of my favorite posts from the old blog over to the new blog, and I'm guessing that quite a few of my readers have…
I'm a single dad now for two weeks while my wife's in China shooting interviews for a documentary series. Aard's been getting a lot of comment spam lately, and the filter isn't working properly, so I've turned on comment moderation. After digging in that cave I did four hours of metal detecting…
It's a new year, so that means it's time to take a look back at the previous year. In graphical form, it looks like this: Clears it all up, doesn't it? That's the past year in blog traffic, showing pageviews per day. Integrate it all up, and it comes to 717,254 pageviews. That's kind of mind-…

Happy Birthday - Congratulations


By Magnus Reuterdahl (not verified) on 30 Dec 2012 #permalink

Happy Birthday and thanks for answering questions. I have read quite a lot about Iron age in Scandinavia, done physical exercise, celebrated the holidays(in an atheist way) and it is time to study for a number of database certifications.

By Thomas Ivarsson (not verified) on 30 Dec 2012 #permalink

Could the Danish find maybe be a nice looking Valkyria;-)?

Happy birthday and -New Year.
I spent the hoidays fighting a minor cold and got really bored.
I finally found the definition of "eponymous", a word I stumbled upon in a book read in the mid-seventies about the archaeology of the earliest Rome (which differed greatly from the mostly made-up written history of the period). From the context I assumed eponym meant "very unreliable stuff, probably BS" while the definition turned out to be "the name derived from a person (real or imaginary)" .
By the way, the Romans were total bastards who snuffed out emerging civilizations like they were Spanish conquistadors.
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"The State of the Blog is good" -No, no, if you emulate the US presidential "state of the union" speeches you are required to stick to meaningless platitudes whereas your post contains amounts of *real* information!
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(OT) Archaeologists have found a small bronze-age temple near Jerusalem which seems to indicate the folk religion of the time had not evolved anywhere near the strict version preached five centuries later. "Biblical archaeologists" will not be pleased by the intrusion of facts upon their written stories.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 31 Dec 2012 #permalink

Exciting! I've never seen a brooch like that. It's 10th century. Cf. the Jelling runestone and Wayland from Uppåkra.