Welcome the SciAm Bloggers


Scientific American has opened a blog portal, poaching a number of excellent erstwhile SciBlings and other blog buddies of mine! Head on over and greet

Oh, and by the way. PZ Myers says he's probably going to leave Sb soon. And with him goes a huge chunk of our community's casual inter-blog spillover traffic. Not good.


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any plans for your own blogging future? in case anyone cares, SciAm requires all commenters to create an account with them; this makes me unhappy, and wish for an OpenId interface.

By Nomen Nescio (not verified) on 06 Jul 2011 #permalink

I'm waiting for the new financial backers around here to do something. Apart from paying us, which they have already started to do. My traffic is better than ever, so I'm in no big hurry to leave. Though if PZ leaves, it will probably lose me tens of percent of my traffic. Still, those spillover readers aren't commenting regulars, so I probably won't miss them much.

While I do not comment very often, I usually read 5 days out of 7. I get a RSS feed, so your blog comes to my Yahoo page along with PZ, Gene Expression, John Hawks and Dienekes as well as a group of others that are not as prolific. As long as I have a valid RSS address, I will continue to read good science bloging. Keep posting!

By EarthandIce (not verified) on 06 Jul 2011 #permalink

E&A, your presence is very much appreciated! Silent regulars are of course also welcome seven days a week.

As an infrequent commenter, I am starting to question the interactive nature of the blog. John Hawks doesn't provide space for response, nor does Bioemphemera; it isn't that much of a loss. I will concede that James Hanley and Michael Heath over on Dispatches provide substantial contributions to the topics there. However, in the few times I read Pharyngula, the level of group-think and puerile (doesn't even reach juvenile) reasoning is astounding. I rarely see anything scientifically relevant or interesting from the commenters on P.Z. blog. (I will concede, I also rarely read it, and so my sample size is not statistically valid)
SciAm looks interesting only because they corralled Jennifer Ouellette. IMHO, SciBlogs needs a little more substance (such as what you offer Martin) and a little less snark. Razib was the the greatest loss from the exodus, but I dislike Discover and the audience it attracts, so do not wander there much either.

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 07 Jul 2011 #permalink

Thank you, I'm happy that you find worthwhile substance here. Aard is a pretty eclectic blog, but I wouldn't be able to keep it up if I wasn't allowed to write about anything apart from archaeology.