DDoS Attacks on Sb from Turkey and Qatar

Hi Bloggers,

Let me apologize again for the problems that many of you and your readers are experiencing. The attack is ongoing, originating from Turkey and Qatar, and until it stops, Rackspace must block IP ranges in order for the site to be accessible to anyone. They are also unwilling to manually unblock hundreds upon hundreds of individual IPs. They have advised that we invest in a firewall and additional services from them, but we are still working out what these will cost and how effective they will be. I am not sure if I was correct in thinking that these attacks are not malicious, but I said so because we were told the attackers were trying to use our servers as an open proxy, with the request "GET [and here's the URL of a Turkish website advertising a remedy for lower-back pain] HTTP/1.1." Upon reflection, I have no idea what that means.

Best wishes,
Wes Dodson


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By Phillip IV (not verified) on 16 Mar 2011 #permalink