Archaeological Stratigraphy Conference, Sweden, February 2011

Interested in archaeological stratigraphy? In 3D fieldwork methodology? Then come to Jönköping in southern Sweden for the VIIIth Nordic Stratigraphy Conference, 25-26 February 2011.

The theme of the conference is Modern Times - New Epochs & New Roads over Familiar Ground. Main sessions will cover post-Medieval excavations, burial archaeology and landscape archaeology.

I've been to two previous conferences in the series, and they were wide-ranging and stimulating. Archaeology can never be better than its data collection methodology!

Here's the prospectus & call for papers.

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The thing a table of logarithms, stratigraphy is very, very useful, but it is not "sexy". You never see a film where the crazy megalomanic scientist is into stratigraphy. The number of stratigraphy experts to feature in a Lovecraft story is exactly zero.
The only cool stratigraphy item I have had is a sample of carbon (soot) from the K/T boundary in the northern USA, laid down after the firestorms.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 27 Oct 2010 #permalink

stratigraphy is very, very useful, but it is not "sexy"

Stratigraphy is all about superposition and the opening and filling of holes. I rest my case.