Travel and Talks in October and November

I'll be travelling a lot in October and November and giving some talks. Aard readers in the afflicted cities, drop me a line and maybe we can meet up!

  • 16-18 Oct, TAM London.
  • 29-31 Oct, Oslo, Kritisk Masse: speaking about Thor Heyerdahl and other Scandy pseudoarchaeologists.
  • 4 Nov, Uppsala: speaking about pseudoarchaeology.
  • 14 Nov, Norrköping: speaking about the Late Iron Age elite in the area.
  • 29 Nov - 1 Dec Birmingham: Viking workshop.

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On Sunday 14 November at 1400 hrs I'm giving a talk on the aristocracy of the 1st millennium AD at the Town Museum of Norrköping, Holmbrogränd. On Monday 15 November I'm speaking at a seminar in Gothenburg about social media and scientific and political communication. My talk will be some time…
Wednesday 5 Oct. 17:00. About Fisksätra before the 1970s housing development. Fisksätra shopping centre, HAMN project office. Thursday 13 Oct. 10:00. About Bronze Age sacrificial sites. Uppsala, Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3, Dept of Archaeology. Monday 17 Oct. 18:30. About…
Two days ago I talked about four Scandy writers of pseudoarchaeological books at the Kritisk masse conference in Oslo: Bob G Lind, Lennart Möller, Erling Haagensen and Thor Heyerdahl. Despite being largely composed of Norwegians, the audience seemed unperturbed by my unflattering views of…
Next week, 29-31 October, I'll be in Helsinki for the Nordic Bronze Age symposium. The organisers have been kind enough to ask me to chair one of the sessions, but I'd love to meet up with some Aard readers too. Drop me a line!

It always kinda disappointed me to learn how dodgy Heyerdahl actually was when I began to learn 'proper' archaeology. The Kontiki voyage always seemed damn cool to me as a kid.

Do you ever get to TAG?

By Richard D (not verified) on 16 Sep 2010 #permalink

The Kon Tiki voyage was damn cool! It's just that it proved nothing about the past.

I went to TAG 2000 in Oxford and enjoyed myself. Here's my report if you want to run it through Google Translate:

Since that time I have concentrated on specialised conferences having to do with the fields I'm working in.

Dammit, I fear I will miss you in London; I'm giving a paper I'll barely have time to write on the 18th in Oxford. You'll have to be Amazing without local assistance (which will be no problem I'm sure).

The talk in Uppsala:
19:00 Tro & Vetande: Missförstånd om forntiden

2. Missförstånd om forntiden To 4 nov 19.00 i Missionskyrkan Dr Martin Rundkvist är arkeolog specialiserad på Skandinaviens forntid. Han kommer att tala om vanliga arkeologiska missuppfattningar om grottmänniskor, stenålderskost och forntida könsroller, samt om några mera omtalade svenska knasteorier inom arkeologin, offentliggjorda av författare som Bob G. Lind och KI-professorn Lennart Möller.

-Would this recent item be pseudoarchaeology or could it actually have some substance? The myth explaining eclipses suggest they had worked out the sun-moon connection, but that´s it.
Australian Aborigines (could have been) 'world's first astronomers': study (but without finding rock carvings to support it, it will be just another theory â¦)

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 17 Sep 2010 #permalink

"what I don't know is how far back this goes. If it goes back 10,000 or 20,000 years, that makes (Aborigines) the world's first astronomers"

That's a pretty big if.