
You know the Iggy & Stooges track "Penetration"? The one where Iggy sounds like he might be the penetratee rather than the penetrator? Now, I want you to imagine me singing that song, only with the word "affiliation" rather than "penetration".

For the second time, my friend and frequent collaborator Howard Williams provides me with valuable university affiliation. Through his good offices, I have been appointed Visiting Research Fellow of the University of Chester, students from which made up most of my fieldwork team back in September. This is really good for my troop morale. They may not have an actual job for me, but the archaeology department has decided that they'd quite like to be publicly associated with my name. That's worth a lot to me, and there may be some teaching opportunities besides.


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Awesome - You go, Dude!

By Christina (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink


That's a good sign. Several years ago I was appointed an Affiliated Scholar (similar kind of gig) in a biology department. After giving a few lectures and teaching in a lab course over four years, this year I'm a visiting professor ("Professor" having been my last academic rank 20 years ago) and am teaching for pay. I'm not looking for a permanent appointment (I'm semi-retired), but the affiliation seems to work well for both sides of the equation.

It appears to vary a lot between departments. I was actually an Honorary Fellow of another UK university from '04 to recently, and all that amounted to was a mention on their web site and a library card. Chester seems more interested.

Cool, and well done on getting yourself recognised. If you are actually visiting the UK, it would be good to talk archaeology and music over a beer at some point.

Congratulations, man. This seems to be the job-getting month for some science bloggers. I am in the process of being hired as researcher for Brazil's top agricultural research agency! Couldn't be happier.

Felicitaciones! That's Spanish for congratulations. I don't suppose you'd have any reason to drop by Texas, would you? I'd love to hear one of your lectures but UK is a bit far for me to drive.

By DianaGainer (not verified) on 26 Nov 2008 #permalink

A decent speaker's fee plus travel expenses would be an excellent reason for me to drop by Texas. You guys definitely need a Viking talk. (-;