2nd Science Blogging Conference

i-5c338cf4774ce357dadd339ac736d1b8-2008NCSBClogo200.pngAs mentioned here before, I'm going to The Amazing Meeting 5.5 skepticism conference in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 25-26 January. Now I've also signed up for the 2nd Science Blogging Conference in Durham, NC, the preceding weekend. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be co-organising a session at the NC conference with John McKay of the Archy blog. The theme will be "Blogging about the Social Sciences and Humanities".

(There was some confusion about what to call this thing. In Sweden, archaeology is in the humanities along with history, religion studies, classics, philology etc. In the US, my discipline is part of anthropology, which is in the social sciences. But I am almost entirely ignorant of the sciences US people call social ones, except for anthropology. And I'd feel lost and lonely without my historian, religion studies, classicist and philologist buddies. So it's SocSci and Hum.)

Dear Reader, do you blog about the social sciences and/or humanities? Or do you have a favourite blog about these things that I should know about? Then please comment away! And start thinking about how to get to North Carolina in January.

[More blog entries about , , , , , ; , , , , , .]


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