Estonian Conference: Rank, Gender and Society


Marika Mägi, my old co-student from grad school, is head of the archaeology department at Tallinn university in Estonia. She's organising a conference titled Rank, Gender and Society around the Baltic 400-1400 AD on 23-27 May in Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa. Interested scholars are welcome to present papers, and Marika tells me that the registration deadline has been extended to 1 March. Here's a flier with registration details.

I'm tempted to go. Saaremaa is sort of Gotland's twin sister and it's the kind of place I'd most likely never visit unless prompted by a conference. And the theme is right up my street. Anybody else going?

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I'm not going, but I have been to a meeting on Saaremaa, and can recommend it.

They also seem to have some fine waltzes too.
